Bugbear Names
Bugbears are the characters of DND 5e who have similar physical features to goblins. The naming convention of Bugbear names is not defined. They look scarier than other characters and thus have names that exhibit scariness.
Because of no specific naming convention, it becomes a tedious job to find perfect names for the Bugbears. Don’t worry about surfing and browsing a lot. This article has all the best suggestions for Bugbear names and you can use them freely for your social media handles, for naming your group or for creating any fictional character.
So without any further ado, let’s jump into the article.
Bugbears can be simply called large goblinoids, with more ugly features. See the list of Bugbear first names given below.
Brevan | Birr | Bark | Brerdunk | Rovoth |
Brigrok | Bordolk | Brirrik | Brergan | Nuggonn |
Chrotor | Broggurk | Chrighonk | Brurgonn | Chrotrimkk |
Din | Brunn | Chrur | Chrazalk | Hrurnann |
Dor | Dezunk | Dadilk | Ghernunn | Rizir |
Gan | Dudrilk | Gezzir | Ghornak | Chraddith |
Ghirgamkk | Gegor | Ghurr | Guvork | Tann |
Hrith | Gerralk | Girk | Hrattork | Ghargirk |
Hrozark | Gomkk | Noggomkk | Hrork | Chrorrorr |
Hrutamkk | Hrath | Nuzzilk | Hruth | Zhik |
Rivrarr | Hrezulk | Rarramkk | Khirr | Gherdok |
Rurroth | Khizzank | Reddar | Rudrilk | Khututh |
Stath | Rinn | Stark | Stetann | Stigron |
Stezirk | Stadrunk | Thath | Stomkk | Hrargilk |
Stoghoth | Tirdimkk | Thughath | Storgirr | Togolk |
Talk | Tizzor | Tonk | Tar | Brurnilk |
Tumkk | Tork | Vatir | Thaddoth | Zolk |
Vagguk | Vink | Zhegith | Zaddonn | Chragrunn |
Zargurk | Vizik | Zhith | Zhoth | Chrunn |
Zhevann | Vovolk | Zirr | Zodrith | Khatran |
Find some good names for dnd 5e Bugbear characters here.
Check out the list below.
Brunk | Stunk | Bidonk | Breghunn | Vuddunn |
Gar | Vogron | Chrak | Burdan | Zudumkk |
Hrath | Vurdimkk | Dudrark | Chrulk | Gidruk |
Khatarr | Zarnurr | Gattin | Chrurgumkk | Giggin |
Ruggamkk | Zhogrolk | Gerdak | Ditir | Khimkk |
Bruzzin | Thevron | Khegrank | Divran | Chrudomkk |
Chromkk | Thurnunn | Khidor | Gorgumkk | Studdurr |
Degurr | Tidoth | Khunk | Hrinn | Staddor |
Ghovunn | Vamkk | Norr | Hrok | Dovrilk |
Rolk | Zoddor | Thomkk | Nagrinn | Stunn |
Brak | Stegun | Tuk | Nevink | Starr |
Butunk | Teddorr | Vudomkk | Stevunn | Nivamkk |
Daggilk | Vargurr | Zadalk | Stovrirr | Chrodalk |
Khurduth | Zighinn | Zaghin | Targork | Vardak |
Nattonk | Zivror | Zeddonk | Torgar | Thovroth |
Botunk | Gunk | Zharnomkk | Turdinn | Vernurk |
Bravomkk | Hrok | Zhetann | Vitun | Stalk |
Chralk | Khir | Zhorr | Zeggann | Hrutrinn |
Digrok | Vattar | Zhurr | Zhank | Ghezzar |
Ghirgin | Zirk | Zurdunn | Zhun | Ghar |
Tip to remember:-
You can also create new names in just two ways.
See the below list to find cool naming ideas of Pathfinder Bugbear Names.
Brank | Bir | Bimkk | Brerrork | Khivrok |
Brernak | Burr | Birdulk | Brutur | Thik |
Brirrurk | Gernar | Chrivror | Chrarr | Stighumkk |
Dadrink | Ghedink | Chrugann | Dudorr | Thugholk |
Ghezzunk | Gherdur | Dak | Durgonk | Tozak |
Ghozomkk | Gogrir | Davimkk | Durk | Rurnonn |
Giggur | Hronk | Dornar | Ghalk | Nazin |
Hrigramkk | Nimkk | Gezann | Gonk | Zharrun |
Khigunk | Rik | Ghiddinn | Hran | Think |
Khirr | Ron | Ghugrink | Hratur | Bregruk |
Khitar | Stank | Khan | Nik | Derdank |
Nark | Sternimkk | Neghonk | Nurk | Ghogrumkk |
Nigran | Tarrirr | Novroth | Starr | Digank |
Stivrumkk | Thigrank | Revrink | Stutrirr | Vann |
Stoghir | Tugrar | Stoggorr | Thik | Thirgun |
Studdark | Zardak | Tedrak | Vavrin | Verruk |
Teghoth | Zhezzamkk | Zezark | Vavrorr | Ghan |
Thiggork | Zhumkk | Zik | Vunk | Duzak |
Vuzilk | Zhuttimkk | Zornork | Zhark | Hrork |
Zink | Zuddur | Zurrilk | Zhuth | Chratok |
Since there is no convention, you can simply name anything to your Bugbear character, but keep them related to your character.
Check out the random name suggestions for Random Bugbear names given below.
Battarr | Birr | Buth | Bivor | Rurr |
Bunn | Chrarnork | Chrotrurr | Bumkk | Khivrirr |
Chrigimkk | Gink | Chruzath | Chrazzir | Votinn |
Gath | Gurgor | Doddunk | Chrorralk | Barguth |
Ghon | Hrogir | Duth | Doddirr | Brizzulk |
Ghuvark | Khogan | Girk | Galk | Chrugronk |
Nittarr | Staghuk | Hrunk | Ghorr | Chrozzor |
Ritramkk | Thagran | Khir | Ghottamkk | Zoggin |
Ronk | Thalk | Nann | Ghuzuth | Ghovinn |
Tuk | Thirk | Nimkk | Gidomkk | Breghonn |
Languages | Names | Nirrunk | Hrettulk | Chrudrark |
Yiddish | NA | Stoth | Hritrak | Retramkk |
Welsh | bwgan | Vogrolk | Nadunk | Khinn |
Ukrainian | lyakalo | Vorronk | Nugrurr | Hregurr |
Tatar | NA | Zamkk | Rath | Brittunk |
Swedish | buse | Zhak | Run | Chroddok |
Spanish | pesadilla | Zidrith | Storrurk | Ghank |
Slovenian | Strašilo | Zodok | Tarrun | Gagalk |
Slovak | strašidlo | Zughuk | Think | Thok |
Serbian | strashilo | Zurginn | Zhulk | Zerrorr |
Related Post:-
Clans respect their chief and thus chief names are essential while naming a clan of Bugbear.
The chief name should make the scariest and horrible impact right after listening to it. However, it’s a hassle to come up with these names. Along with scary syllables, you should also keep them in the highest order. See our name suggestions
Explore the list below to save your time on the Bugbear chief names.
Scots Gaelic | bugbear | Vittin | Van | Chrezzon |
Russian | pugalo | Brutalk | Rezir | Chrardik |
Romanian | sperietoare | Broggonn | Brordunk | Hrun |
Portuguese | pesadelo | Chritark | Stirgik | Hrernalk |
Polish | straszak | Revalk | Brulk | Vorrulk |
Norwegian | bugbear | Tidinn | Brann | Gerdith |
Maltese | bugbear | Khumkk | Thotrunn | Dak |
Macedonian | bugbear | Vor | Khuzzuk | Chrerduk |
Luxembourgish | Bugbear | Zhitonn | Hriggimkk | Ghirgulk |
Lithuanian | baubas | Khugrun | Noth | Bernonk |
Latvian | Bugbear | Sturk | Toggonn | Brizumkk |
Italian | spauracchio | Brink | Zerrith | Khoth |
Irish | bugbear | Bath | Vir | Ghovramkk |
Icelandic | Bugbear | Gizoth | Guvolk | Zhurgimkk |
Hungarian | mumus | Chrevrumkk | Zharrunk | Zhadrank |
Greek | bampoúlas | Zhurnomkk | Stir | Nath |
German | Popanz | Bordur | Zhin | Gegrarr |
Galician | pesadelo | Bornorr | Gatonn | Chrun |
Frisian | bugbear | Boghunn | Khurk | Gogimkk |
French | épouvantail | Thittan | Zhardank | Zhon |
See some good Bugbear name suggestions for kid Bugbear characters. Check the name list given below.
Finnish | mörkö | Bith | Verrir | Nadralk |
Estonian | Bugbear | Brirnank | Zhurr | Khirr |
Dutch | schrikbeeld | Zhagik | Thirdonk | Rorroth |
Danish | bussemand | Gottirr | Hrargalk | Didor |
Czech | Bugbear | Chrotok | Zhotrimkk | Gattank |
Croatian | strašilo | Balk | Brutturk | Khurr |
Corsican | bugbear | Thin | Stavolk | Hraghark |
Catalan | espantall | Bratonk | Gharr | Zitralk |
Bulgarian | NA | Bazulk | Zhork | Vidromkk |
Bosnian | bauk | Rath | Chrodrarr | Hrurr |
Also Read: Ear Piercing Names Chart Ideas
Belarusian | NA | Zhok | Khith | Buddarr |
Basque | Bugbear | Nuddoth | Tizurr | Tidromkk |
Albanian | gogol | Chrirgun | Vimkk | Zuzzirk |
Norjor | Umekas | Stidronn | Vornumkk | Datorr |
Farxidor | Naeydark | Brurgon | Bitimkk | Khugrolk |
Elazumin | Ianlar | Vuggirr | Hrogralk | Rodrur |
Pettoris | Heizeiros | Rugonk | Khurgon | Nirdurr |
Morjeon | Beinan | Zhargan | Zotrirk | Vur |
Elnan | Elnorin | Zith | Zutrun | Reddunn |
Naetumal | Ralomyar | Brork | Thunk | Zimkk |
Bugbears are not alone living characters, they love to reside in groups and hence have clans to accommodate them. They introduce themselves more often by their clan names and hence clan names mean a lot to them.
Here are some clan names to fit your choice.
Thehice | Qinfaren | Khargath | Khuzzar | Thezzulk |
Wrangolor | Mirahice | Dornarr | Neturk | Thuzzith |
Heikas | Aefir | Tozzork | Khiddith | Zhiggonk |
Craceran | Adnan | Ghezomkk | Zhodromkk | Zernarr |
Dordithas | Omalar | Zudrulk | Stuth | Brorrink |
Fenwarin | Kearic | Gark | Bagrark | Golk |
Lukian | Kelpeiros | Ghinn | Niginn | Rozur |
Umeran | Omaxalim | Khunn | Khegrunn | Zirnann |
Paxidor | Uriceran | Staggork | Ghitrok | Zhuvin |
Cranelis | Zumkas | Duvrilk | Stir | Chrovik |
Leosandoral | Trazeiros | Luzeiros | Morceran | Duzark |
Olowraek | Sylhice | Yinzeiros | Farwarin | Bughann |
Ililamin | Aelamin | Dorsandoral | Perjeon | Nozann |
Leopetor | Ologolor | Trahice | Paxidor | Vutralk |
Zinnorin | Keahorn | Miraven | Ianren | Nevumkk |
Thekian | Keakian | Balgolor | Adric | Zann |
Roydark | Petdithas | Sylpetor | Elawraek | Khunk |
Normaris | Kealamin | Qigeiros | Ervalur | Bavink |
Zinrora | Venlee | Adgeiros | Beilamin | Dann |
Xilra | Neririeth | Adquinal | Valen | Chrerdin |
Want to develop a good name by yourself? We are ready to help you too. Follow the tips given below and you will surely come with a cool Bugbear name.
Check the list below for such Bugbear names.
Presrona | Valfiel | Lukian | Zinpeiros | Stedrurk |
Xilna | Wynlee | Mirahorn | Ianzumin | Hregruth |
Reyxisys | Binala | Trahice | Rodithas | Dorr |
Daphine | Heleyra | Syltumal | Zintoris | Vurdorr |
Sylphine | Trisrel | Rodithas | Virvalur | Hriggilk |
Quimys | Torsys | Crazumin | Glynven | Ghark |
Presnala | Uriwynn | Raloqen | Thekas | Hrurnink |
Liaxina | Sylstina | Glynmenor | Keavalur | Khar |
Wysarora | Bixina | Erro | Qinxalim | Thann |
Wynrie | Gilynore | Heinelis | Sylsalor | Davrin |
Zylralei | Gilgella | Aeric | Zingeiros | Tivramkk |
Keylee | Iarfina | Sarbalar | Yelven | Brudirk |
Zylkalyn | Sylynore | Gennan | Beinan | Chrar |
Venharice | Kriskrana | Ermaris | Theris | Damkk |
Dafina | Gilroris | Keajor | Qingeiros | Hrogramkk |
Araleth | Xilzana | Nerileth | Ulagella | Beddark |
Sharoris | Urinala | Sylynore | Iarcaryn | Romkk |
Xyrynore | Liahana | Liaphine | Orikrana | Brurnir |
Shayra | Zinhana | Syllana | Phiralei | Ragank |
Qinala | Ravarona | Inana | Reyrel | Thuk |
If you want to know more name ideas, you can hit on the Bugbear name generators available online but it would consume your time.
To save your time and energy here’s a list of Bugbear names generated by name generators.
Oladove | Reyroris | Miadi | Holagella | Zomkk |
Liazana | Preslana | Krisstina | Vallynn | Chrornan |
Greharice | Wysacaryn | Miacaryn | Zylwenys | Hrodir |
Farlis | Fazirg | Sylna | Helexisys | Zhok |
Rhuniar | Uramir | Keyphine | Phigella | Nevolk |
Grodar | Unrak | Faralei | Ulastina | Khetronn |
Granzar | Dukar | Venyra | Helestina | Naghin |
Oradran | Aradar | Orivaris | Bryrie | Vovrolk |
Hudahn | Brarth | Ulaphine | Bryynore | Niggoth |
Onllak | Brukahr | Wysastina | Valbella | Vatilk |
Karg | Gandran | Qiroris | Venralei | Davath |
Fergh | Dorkahr | Fadi | Farona | Garr |
Shralian | Zarram | Ulanala | Xyrnala | Daggurk |
Zrarak | Shrakiak | Chaedove | Valbanise | Rirnurr |
Oradahn | Dronod | Maggwyn | Inaralei | Hruzorr |
Gankran | Amnod | Yllafina | Quirona | Hrirnunn |
Bartig | Orozag | Jomys | Zinlynn | Ghaggonn |
Grarak | Hrarth | Jobella | Wysacaryn | Stavrok |
Orrth | Ringor | Keygwyn | Bivyre | Khegrinn |
Fergor | Muk | Eilxisys | Chaethyra | Brezzann |
We hope this article has helped you to find amazing Bugbear names, if you have more ideas you can surely mention them in the comment section below. We love to read your suggestions and also don’t forget to share them with your Bugbear loving friends and family and let them enjoy it too.
You can find more such amazing naming articles on DND characters and business name ideas. Make sure you read those articles too.
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