The Anglo-Saxons are considered Germanic people. These Germanic people consisted of three major tribes Jute, Angles, and Saxons. Anglo-Saxons were migrants who come from Germany in the 5th and 6th centuries. They settled themselves in England, mainly the eastern region of England.
The name ‘Anglo-Saxons’ were raised to distinguish these people from who leaves in mainland ‘Germany’. The main language of their communication was Old English. That is why Anglo-Saxons Names were derived from the old English and German language (Choose A Necromancer Name Here)
Anglo-Saxon names are still very popular in England. Many of them have modernized due to the passage of time or cultural change. If parents are inspired by the Anglo-Saxon culture and looking for an Anglo-Saxon name for their baby then we are offering the list of Saxon names with meaning.
We have come up with the number of Anglo-Saxons names from history. Below is the list of female names rooted from the Anglo-Saxons period, which can helpful for you to decide your baby girl’s name.
Ardith | One fighting a good war | Hairud | She of fame and honor |
Annis | Unity | Ifield | Meaning unknown |
Aswig | Ass(God) + wig(war) | Jeevika | Water |
Brona | A brown-haired or dark-haired woman | Kendra | Prophetess |
Blaedswith | From splendour and storng | Lyveva | A beloved gift |
Bysen | Unique | Mercia | From mercia |
Cwenhild | From woman and war | Mildred | Gentle advisor |
Cynewise | From family and wise | Nelda | From the elder trees |
Cwen | A born queen | Ora | Money |
Cyneburg | Daughter of a king | Orva | Brave friend |
Denegyth | A healthy,cute and a master of great personality | Parkes | One who is employed in park |
Daisy | Day’s eye | Rowena | White haired |
Daedbot | Penance | Sibley | Friendly |
Dohtor | Daughter | Sunn | Gift of the sun |
Eadnignes | Bliss | Tate | Pleasant and bright |
Eacnung | Bear’s child | Udele | Wealthy |
Fridiswed | One living with peace | Wilda | Wild |
Fridiswid | One who is with peace | Willa | Desired |
Gaega | A topographic name; hill and stream | Wilone | Hoped for |
Haeddi | One who deserves something | Wihtflaed | Means wiht (white )+ flaed (beauty) |
Angenlaf | Berhtgyth | Eawyn | Brigthwyna |
Aedbald | Ailred | Burchwen | Ecgfrithu |
Freomund | Britheue, wife of Leodhere | Hildithryth, wife of Brihtnoth | Herewynn, wife of Tatuini |
Eormenraed of Porthtun | Bucge, wife of Regnheah | Baldethiva, wife of Eorcenbehrt | Brithreth, wife of Osred |
Wimund of Sutton | Alfilda of Dincarden | Beorhtwynn of Brewich | Osthryth of Caerbrough |
Eanbeorht of Nantfos | Eawyn of Norcarden | Frethesant of Ballton | Sunnild of Auchterhurst |
Eadweard Fiske | Ermenburga Travers | Somerhild Trapp | Oslafa Ryder |
Hereferth Century | Cwenburh Stonier | Osthryth Cleaver | Bregeswith Butler |
Thraesfrith the Singer | Eorcongota the Mills | Witburh the Tucker | Bregusuid the Inman |
Thrydwulf the Chaffer | Brithrethe the Shields | Goderun the Key | Goldrun the Webb |
In the below-given list, some names are still used by the people as it was. On the other hand people are also using these names after little modification or change.
Rafael | Lives at the elder tree, noble | Iden | Wealthy |
Bellwether | Bright nobility | Jeffrey | Peaceful gift |
Almond | Defender of the temple | Jessen | Derived for the baptismal name for the son of judd |
Anna | Graceful | Kendric | Fearless leader |
Baldwin | A bold and beautiful person | Kenway | Brave in war |
Brandon | One who is a brave, vigilant person | Leof | Beloved |
Chadwick | They are warrior | Lufian | Love |
Courtney | From the enclosed land | Magan | competent |
Camden | From the winding valley | Millar | One who grinds grain |
Dodson | A determined and practical person by nature | Norvel | From the north |
Darwin | A good and dear friend | Nerian | Protects |
Everett | Somebody who is very brave like a wild boar | Ordway | Warrior with spear |
Eric | Wealthy ruler | Osbeorn | The bear like person |
Rudolph | A peaceful wolf | Osment | A good and famous person who loves god |
Farm on | Traveller | Pandragon | As powerful as the dragon’s head |
Graham | A guy from the grey house. Grey is the sign of intelligence. | Peterkin | Form of Peter, a rock |
Grimm | The meaning of ‘Grimm’ is a fierce person. The person having the ability to do anything bravely. | Rawling | An advice of the wolf |
Highball | A courageous man in the battle | Ricmann | A person who has a power to rule |
Hubbard | Graceful or shining intellect | Sherlock | Light haired |
Hefner | He who is like a dark raven | Wregan | Accuses |
Tancred | Godmund | Ordgar | Clarembald |
Baerbald | Sigelac | Leuthere | Frithugar |
Weland | Ceolheard | Aethelwulf | Brithun |
Berhtwald of Kinster | Alfwold of Sterberg | Aelfred of Dunster | Hwaetsige of Cwming |
Coelfrid of Tredean | Heorured of Langgowt | Osegod of Llynwych | Dunstan of Llanburgh |
Weohstan of Kilstead | Bardolph of Sutport | Ecgred of Caerwick | Jurmin of Carpool |
Ricbert Foal | Frithowulf Skinner | Coenwulf Fletcher | Godwine Travers |
Egwine Chaplin | Ordheah Steele | Wilmund Fearson | Flodwig Webb |
Carileph the Page | Raedwulf the Toller | Wulmar the Warner | Hughoc the Hinman |
Sexwulf the Trapp | Wyard the Seales | Beorhtstan the Lush | Eadmaer the Hunter |
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The compiled names list consisting of the Old Saxon names for males and females are given as under.
Abbi | Male | Maria | Female |
Albric | Male | Ruma | Female |
Alderd | Male | Aldburg | Female |
Abba | Female | Aldolf | Male |
Agga | Female | Avin | Male |
Irmin | Male | Rosalind | Female |
Radolf | Male | Ida | Female |
Thunerulf | Male | Gertrude | Female |
Alaward | Male | Leonard | Male |
Chad | Male | Ralph | Male |
Audrey | Female | Raymond | Male |
Edith | Female | Walter | Male |
Ethel | Female | Adela | Female |
Wilfred | Male | Henry | Male |
Harold | Male | Hezel | Female |
Hilda | Female | Holly | Female |
Mildred | Female | Ivy | Female |
Cuthbert | Male | Cineburg | Male |
Edgar | Male | Adiman | Male |
Edward | Male | Alager | Male |
Brictiua | Bothelm | Aelfwyn | Teowulf |
Sunnild | Aedilbert | Wynflaed | Darwin |
Eorcengota, wife of Wictgils | Aelbehrt | Saewynn, wife of Gudram | Earconbehrt |
Burchwen, wife of Erminus | Aethelmaer of Kylethorpe | Wenfleda, wife of Ascferth | Eorconbeald of Shipdon |
Britheue of Astthorp | Sexmund of Penley | Hildelith of Sudchester | Wynfrid of Sutthorpe |
Engeleis of Ballthorp | Leavold of Langforth | Bathild of Sutpool | Wulfbeald of Straththorp |
Derehild Ward | Hygbald Tabor | Eanflaed Taverner | Ailwin Gage |
Eadgyd Carter | Cwenburg Key | Wychtleth Seal | Ewald Warner |
Modthryth the Fowler | Saebehrt the Wright | Burwenna the Trotter | Wulfwig the Conner |
Osgyth the Cleaver | Burghred the Chambers | Godelina the Paige | Beanstan the Piper |
Among the traditional naming culture, Anglo-Saxon is widely adopted by the people. These German or old English derived names can be perfect for your newborn baby. Parents can select a name and make the changes as per their thought of mind that give a perfect sense to the name.
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