Rap Playlist Names: A catchy playlist name is the best way to increase your playlist’s popularity and engage more listeners. While I was brainstorming to come up with some unique playlist names, I figured out that characters that express a raw emotion or feeling have great chances of standing out.
In the case of a rap playlist, it can be something classic or even something that refers to the mood that goes in hand with the playlist. You can choose between deep names or even hilarious names depending on what reflects the songs of your playlist the best.
Seems a little difficult? Don’t worry, I have got you covered. Take a look at the following sections!
Rap Playlist Names

Being one of the most popular genres in the music industry, Rap music gathers listeners from all around the globe. So before deciding on a name, you must realize that you are going to approach an international audience, so prep yourself accordingly.
Make sure to use words that reflect the moods of the songs displayed on the playlist. It should work as a quick guide on what the playlist is all about. Found this interesting?
Rap Round | Light | Theory | Reckless |
Rap Mass | Loud | Rap Key | Rap Raw |
Rap Rave | Movement | Rap Cymbal | Sharp |
Rap Pop | Time | Rap Poly | Trill |
Movement | Count | Rap Axe | Starter |
Rap Change | Ballad | Alto | Rap Tune |
Roll | Horde | Tempo | Rap Sonic |
Rap Radiant | Count | Rap Tonic | Rock |
Beats | Move | Bang | Time |
Poly | Rap Records | Rap Melody | Hook |
Rap Play | Rap Ruckus | Mix | Elixir |
Phantom | Raw | Union | Rap Theory |
Mixed | Feed | Elevate | Rewind |
Tonic | Rap Chorus | Pop | Vibe |
Raw | Change | Rap Time | Rap Radius |
Rap Modus | Distortion | Songbird | Boom |
Vibration | Supreme | Bass | Electric |
Cloud | United | Blues | Rap Clef |
Rhythm | Move | Rap Mode | Step |
Big | Rap Elixir | Rap Songbird | Scale |
Echo | Sonic | Theory | Rap Music |
Ceramic | Vex | Rap Measure | Rap Ceramic |
Rap Vamp | Rap Blues | Jam | Rap Machine |
Rate | Rap Sound | Pickup | Rock |
Nocturne | Rap Wavey | Rap Pickup | Time |
Roll | Rap Sonic | Trill | Rap Light |
Crash | Rap Nocturne | Rap Ceramic | Synth |
Cool Rap Playlist Names

With music changing its individuality every year, it has gathered even more audiences and come up with various new genres. However, rap music is still the one that predominantly rules. It does not only serve as a source of entertainment but has made a significant contribution to shaping the identity of African-Americans.
If you want some cool names for your playlist, you can use words like ‘masterpiece’ as a part of your name. Words like ‘evergreen’ can be used so that listeners who want to enjoy music from all eras would add the playlist to their library as well. Some popular names are ‘Rock on, ‘Gods of Rap’ etc.
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Legion | Sharp | Rap Strum | Vibe |
Deep | Verse | Rap Hook | Cloud |
Sessions | Round | Rap Sessions | Grave |
Rap Rhythm | Ballad | Feed | Melody |
Rap Alto | Ruckus | Raid | Rap Mix |
Radiant | Loud | Rap Pop | Scale |
Rap Key | Tenor | Rap Magnet | Machine |
Reckless | Rap Tap | Legion | Rap Music |
Rate | Rap Tune | Rap Horde | Rap Radius |
Rap Radiant | Crash | Phantom | Pop |
Rap Vox | Groove | Rap Elixir | Rap Supreme |
More | Vex | Tap | Line |
Rap Echo | Poly | Nocturne | Timbre |
Time | Reckless | Rap Change | Chamber |
Tune | Rap Modus | Rap Time | Strum |
Songbird | Rap Mass | Rap Mode | Starter |
Duo | Rap Chorus | Sharp | Siren |
Key | Rap Rocky | Tenor | Magnet |
Rap Movement | Digi | Vibe | Rap Coda |
Rock | Step | Rap Vibration | Triad |
Vinyl | Rap Rave | Synth | Rap Vex |
Rap Tune | Radius | Pop | Sharp |
Electric | Axe | Sound | Rap Largo |
Rap More | Big | Tune | Radiant |
Rap Canon | Coda | Rap Radiant | Echo |
Legion | Chamber | Beats | Rap Rhythm |
Rhythm | Trill | Nocturne | Rap Tune |
Good Rap Playlist Names

When I was looking through good rap playlist names, one thing that I noticed in popular playlists is that they try to use certain statements related to the particular genre as a name. It shows the intellectual and individuality of the creator.
To stand out, you can use a line or words from famous rap songs and set it as a name for your playlist. You can even use the names of famous rappers as your playlist names. E.g – ‘Eminem’s art’, and ‘Industry is not a baby anymore’ related to the song Industry baby, or even ‘Big Nas X’ in reference to Lil Nas X.
The Move | Move | Ruckus | Coda |
Digi | Bridge | Bang | Sonic |
Flow | Rap Genius | Magnet | Line |
Rap Tone | Triad | Genius | Tonic |
Deep | Rap Timbre | Rap Tonic | Elixir |
Vamp | Rap Rock | Theory | Rap Scale |
More | Echo | Change | Amp |
Rap Move | Ceramic | Rap Pop | Legion |
Rap Horde | Rap Wave | Canary | Vex |
Clef | Rap Tap | Rap Dance | Rap Change |
Rap Feed | Rap Distortion | Rap Melody | Distortion |
Rap Measure | Hook | Rap Nocturne | Wave |
Tempo | Raid | Tempo | Rap Sonic |
Cloud | Chorus | Step | Vibe |
Rap Light | Jam | Rap Ballad | Rap Chief |
Rap Raw | Rate | Play | Machine |
Choir | Rap Ghost | Rap Roll | Synth |
Ghost | Union | Rap Elevate | Vibe |
Measure | Tone | Radiant | Rap Round |
Sound | Jam | Time | Rap Rock |
Rap Triad | Beat | Rap Deep | Phantom |
Rap Supreme | Mastered | Blues | Canon |
Rap Radius | Fret | Rap Scale | Light |
Rap Move | Note | Rap Vox | Rap Axe |
Rap Cannon | Rap Shotgun | Ghost | Pop |
Rap Trill | Rap Pop | Change | Rap Elevate |
Rap Mix | Echo | Elixir | Rap Phantom |
Spotify Rap Playlist Names

Spotify has become the most used music platform where listeners can enjoy music for free and save their favorites in their own library. Naming a Spotify playlist can be a bit troublesome at certain times. So let me help you out.
You can choose one of the best and most popular rap songs and keep the name of the song as your playlist’s name.
This has two benefits; one, people who love this song and play it again and again, might open your playlist thinking it’s the very song and two, listeners will expect that you might have similar songs in your playlist since it’s your playlist’s name.
Distortion | Beat | Siren | Rap Mastered |
Groove | Siren | Rap Echo | Jam |
Chamber | Chorus | Elevate | Synth |
Rap Big | Trap | Line | Rap Fusion |
Vibration | Tenor | Chief | Strum |
Rap Measure | Rap Vamp | Rap Songbird | Rap Verse |
Rap Sonic | Rap Wave | Rap Starter | Largo |
More | Grave | Rap Play | Rap Tenor |
Rap Duo | Rap Strum | Move | Rhythm |
Tempo | Rap Radiant | Vibration | More |
Ghost | Clef | Rap Chief | Big |
Chamber | Deep | Choir | Big |
Machine | Project | Bridge | Cloud |
Vamp | Count | Supreme | Mass |
Rap Jam | Rap Grave | Mass | Tap |
Ruckus | Rap Agents | Rap Ark | Rap Bench |
Rap Phantom | Rap Agile | Rap Article | Rap Benefits |
Triad | Rap Ague | Rap Articles | Rap Best |
Rap Round | Rap Ahead | Rap Asset | Rap Bevy |
Rock | Rap Aim | Rap Atlas | Rap Beyond |
Ruckus | Rap Akin | Rap Attic | Rap Blaster |
Ballad | Rap Ality | Rap Atto | Rap Blessed |
Rap Echo | Rap All-Star | Rap Aura | Rap Blink |
Fusion | Rap Alliance | Rap Aurora | Rap Bliss |
Count | Rap Allure | Rap Avatar | Rap Bloom |
Rap Feed | Rap Alpha | Rap Ave | Rap Blox |
Chorus | Rap Ammo | Rap Aver | Rap Boards |
Hip-Hop Playlist Names

Hip-Hop is a massively popular genre with millions of listeners all around the globe. You can use some common hip-hop remarks that can make the listeners crack up a little. Look for something witty but deeply related to hip-hop.
Some popular ones are Rap the Day Away. You can also try this trick of naming the playlists as popular artists’ favourites. For example – Nicki’s Favs, Jack Harlow’s Favourites.
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Accent | Angel | Awards | Bold |
Tone | Answer | Aware | Bonus |
Pickup | Answers | Awry | Boost |
About | Anything | Axen | Born |
Absolute | Anytime | Axis | Boss |
Accelerate | Anywhere | Azure | Bow |
Ace | Apex | Balance | Box |
Action | Aqua | Bard | Breezy |
Active | Archive | Bargains | Brig |
Advisor | Archives | Basement | Brite |
Aegis | Argent | Beast | Brokers |
After | Arid | Begin | Browse |
Browser | Century | Collections | Curb |
Bucks | Certified | Collective | Cygen |
Bureau | Champion | Collector | Czar |
Busk | Channels | Companies | Dart |
Buster | Charm | Comparison | Dash |
Butterfly | Chart | Compass | Daub |
Buyer | Charter | Complex | Dawn |
Buys | Charts | Concept | Days |
Bytes | Check | Connect | Defence |
Cache | Checker | Connection | Delight |
Calculator | Chimp | Conscious | Delta |
Camo | Choice | Control | Demand |
Campaign | Circles | Core | Den |
Capital | Cities | Cost | Dept |
Capitol | City | Courses | Designs |
Rap Playlist Names For Party Songs

Looking for playlist names of party songs? Don’t worry, I have got your back here. When looking for party playlist names, you must ensure that the name indicates the same enthusiasm as the songs included so that the listeners can gain a fair idea about the playlist.
Make sure to use words that indicate partying, dancing, and having fun. With a quick look, the listeners should be able to fathom party songs are included in this playlist. Names like ‘Rap Party Hits 2022’ can serve as a good name.
Care | Classic | Craft | Details |
Case | Claw | Crafter | Digest |
Caster | Clever | Crawler | Direct |
Catalyst | Clone | Create | Director |
Catcher | Cloud | Creators | Directory |
Cavil | Clubs | Crimson | Discounts |
Cent | Clutch | Crossover | Discovery |
Centers | Collect | Crown | Dish |
Centric | Collection | Cupid | Display |
Division | Empire | Favorite | Focus |
Dollar | End | Feature | Folder |
Doozy | Energise | Feedback | For Less |
Doup | Energy | Feeds | For Life |
Downtown | Enjoy | Final | Experts |
Dr | Equality | Finders | Explosion |
Dream | Equinox | Finds | Express |
Dreaming | Essence | First | Factor |
Drift | Essential | Fixer | Eco |
Drip | Exact | Flash | Ecru |
Drive | Excellent | Flax | Eden |
Dynamic | Exciting | Flex | Edge |
Earnings | Exotic | Flow | Earth |
270+ Best Spotify Playlist Name Ideas For Every Mood
Have you made a playlist that can be worth listening to in any mood but not sure what to name it? Here is the solution.
Names that sound rejuvenating and give assurance to the listeners that the songs would heal them can be of great choice. Names like ‘the summer of love’, ‘art of feeling good’ can turn out to be good playlist names.
Effective | Fans | Force | Force |
Efficiency | Faqs | Forever | Forever |
Efficient | Fard | Form | Form |
Elevate | Faro | Fortune | Fortune |
Elite | Fast | Forums | Forums |
Emotion | Faux | Foster | Foster |
Foundry | Grace | Heart | Inspire |
Frame | Grand | Heaven | Instant |
Fresh | Gh | Herb | Intelli |
Friendly | Greatest | Heroes | Intra |
Frig | Grok | Hometown | Intro |
Frisson | Ground | Horizon | Invisible |
Froe | Groups | Hub | Jackpot |
Fusion | Grow | Huge | Jam |
Gap | Growth | Humble | Jawa |
Gate | Guardian | Hunter | Joint |
Gator | Guava | Hunters | Joy |
Gawk | Guides | Iconic | Jump |
Geeks | Gulf | Ideas | Justice |
Genie | Gurus | Igniter | Keen |
Genius | Guys | Impact | Key |
Global | Habit | Incorporated | Kilo |
Glow | Hacks | Incredible | Kine |
Glum | Hall | Indo | King |
Glut | Handbook | Indy | Kingdom |
Go | Happy | Infinity | Kings |
Golden | Harvest | Insane | Kite |
Gory | Haven | Insider | Kith |
How To Come Up With Good Spotify Playlist Names
A good playlist name entirely depends upon how well the name is reflecting the individuality of the playlist.
The name should be such that all the songs included would be relatable to it. It should not be a huge line but 5-6 words would suffice. Being humorous and elegant whilst choosing a name is the key here.
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