Categories: Names

699+Best Fantasy Planet Names

There are millions and Billions of planetary bodies that are present in the universe. We are a small part of the small planet names earth. When we are in our solitude. Don’t we think of the possibilities of different planet names that can be there on the planet and the features they would have?

Movies like Star Wars and Films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe take us on trips of many unknown and unheard-of fantasy planets that are Random, fictional, and perhaps. For instance, Thor is from Asgard; Superman is from Krypton, Thanos is from Titan.

There can be the possibility of other planets that might have peculiarities that endow their humans with substantial superpowers, such as the green lantern, Thanos, Nova, or Thor.

Here we are about to tell you various fantasy planet names that would help you be more creative and indulge in your space science fantasy.

Planetary Names From Marvel Cinematic Universe

There are mentions of many Sci-fi planet’s names in the Marvel movies. Most of the Heroes of the MCU are space-faring personalities who save the earth and other planets in the universe from the verge of complete collapse.

Let us look at some of the most popular fictional planet names from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

EGO The Living PlanetTrax IVHalaHilrogantu
XandarBallteworldD’Barl IVNecrounus
VogsphereCapricaWorlornThyria 29L
GallifreyMARSCoruscantDrippe 925H
CybertronDagobahTerra PrimeRognonides
LoyonazAlienaPlanet of ZeusBodrarvis
AnterosDemeteriousEuphrosyneTroria JS
AstarteChryseisGaGorth 0IRK
Plcog Best Intel Best Oro Namoryx
Names Buff Bestops Best Smash Names Gladiator
Fantasy Dragon Bestn Pl Razor Fantasy Epic
Names Raid Fantasyaza Fantasy Tactical Fantasy Fusion
Best Beam Names Strategy Namoryx Fantasy Raid
Names Frame Best Void Fantasy Intel Best Raven
Bestverse Best Vengeance Best Rush Fantasyopolis
Names Tactic Namaro Best Noob Best Free Fire
Best Solo Best Dudes Best Cube Plomatic
Best Razor Best Drift Bestbia Fantasylance
Fantasyry Fantasy Clan Fantasyiva Fantasy Poe
Best Assault Best Clash Names Hunt Fantasy Rogue
Names Evil Plium Fantasy Upgrade Pl Token
Fantasy Board Fantasy Clash Names Destroy Namex
Namadil Fantasy Mage Names Alliance Names Unholy
Names Switch Names Wind Names Nintendo Names Spar

Also Read: Best Dragon Names

Fictional Planet Names

If you think that only MCU has used fictional planet names to make movies, then you are starkly wrong. There are a plethora of other SCi-fi movies which have used fictional Planet names to augment the cinematic experiences.

Let us have a look at fictional planet names from other movies:

NarcissusCronuChthoniusTrorth 723D
PhlegethonCronusAngusGichi VQU
FrigidMagicAriadneGriuq 4C
ChilspherePondyCassandraTrore 0KL1
Names Dudes Fantasy Royale Fantasy Bet Best Rage
Best Night Fantasyfluent Fantasy Origin Bestaza
Pl Horizon Names Lit Fantasy Slayer Fantasy Anime
Pl Monk Best Halo Names Beam Names Thief
Pl Rage Names Grind Best Rogue Names Shift
Plzen Names Sniper Pl Jelly Fantasy Royal
Fantasy Frame Pl Videogame Names Frag Fantasy Spawn
Fantasy Frame Pl Hunt Fantasy Affliction Fantasy Paragon
Names Lethal Best Noob Names Alliance Pl Evolve
Pl Chess Names Superhero Names Team Names Matrix
Pl Warlock Names Nintendo Best Mage Fantasy Tower
Fantasy Mortal Names Battle Best Mortal Pl Space
Best Halo Names Digital Fantasy Chess Names Legends
Fantasy Rocket Best Fighter Best Smite Fantasy Upgrade
Fantasy Night Fantasy Shift Pl Razor Best Zombie

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Cool Fantasy Planet Names

Searching for fantasy planet names can have more than one reason. If you are of the creative type, then you might be searching for fictional planet names for the novel that you might be writing.

Don’t worry, we have your back in this search for the best planet name ideas. Here are some cool planet names suggestions

KestroutaniaObrotheaPl HerbMunniuq
DonzoneThudunaNaming FixColunov
CugawaNumiaPlexChilles 299
DreigantuGaotuneNaming ExperienceDeon Y1PR
VurunusCrexataniaPl RapidIdeas Kissy
Lluna JBBBapus C0Ideas WillowNaming Power
Gnolla 37PSosie 3K2SNaming SuperIdeas Delicate
Pl SprinklesPl BlitzIdeas EarningsNaming Blur
Pl AmbientIdeasoozeNamingivaNaming Phoenix
Naming HotspotNaming HolisticPlquipoIdeas Havoc
NamingliaPl ToughNaming AquaIdeas Trend
Naming SuperbPl CustomIdeas EdulisNaming Seasoned
Pl PureIdeas ExecutiveNamingpadNaming Pixel
Pl EqualityNaming ShoreIdeasexIdeas Creation
Names ModNames FragFantasy MonoNames Mega
Names NightPl DruidFantasy SuperheroPl Bandit
Fantasy SwitchBest ForceFantasy ZombieNames Kingdom
Names OriginNames ChallengeNames SniperNames Blade
Best OutcastBest HotlineBest RaiderPl Frost
Pl SparNames PhoenixFantasy EternalNames Fantasy
Fantasy DynastyNames DudesPl ShiftFantasy Cube
Pl HonorFantasy GeniusPl ChipBest Bullet
Names ClashPl BuffPl LeagueNames Destructor
Fantasy TurboPl MojoPl EnemyPl Kawaii
Best DopeNames WingsFantasy FragNames Demon
Names NationFantasy BeastPl TapBest Total
Fantasy AnimeBest SpaceFantasy GladiatorNames Destroy
Pl DopeBest BetFantasy ReduxPl Beam
Names ReduxNames DruidPl AkimboBest Tactic

Name Of The 10th Planet In Our Solar System

What if there is a 10th planet in our very own solar system? We all know about Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

We also know that Pluto is no longer a planet according to scientists. But we cannot ignore the dwarf planet with an epileptically orbit, can we?

Now, what if there is actually a planet after Pluto, which the scientists haven’t noticed yet? What could be the name of such a fantasy planet that comes 10th in our solar system?

Pl SpotlightPl SecureNaming WorkoutNaming Moorland
IdeastasticPl GrowIdeaslazaIdeas Prairie
Naming AromaNaming MilliIdeas EmpowerNamingdeck
Naming ShapeIdeas StationNaming ProperNaming Grace
Naming MonroeNaming LureIdeas VintagePl Mortgage
Ideas TreeNaming PursueIdeas PastryIdeas Crossroads
Pl ClanPlazaNaming JunctionNamingzen
Naming DimesIdeaszoidCerberus IdeasPl Bevy
Pl FadIdeas DaleStart IdeasIdeascog
Naming LullPl VibranceClutch NamingNaming Boxed Out
IdeasneticPl BrothersPrime IdeasPl Power
Ideas HandleNaming AuctionDaisy NamingPl Nurture
Pl MountainPl LifeStorm IdeasIdeas Tested
Pl GraphPl MaxiSpur NamingPl Tank
IdeasverseNaming SimpleMode NamingRegency Naming
Ideas AmazeIdeasliaReflect IdeasCollective Naming
Ideas PassportIdeas VentureScrumptious PlNest Ideas
Resolve NamingPrime NamingFast IdeasSanctuary Naming
Leverage PlLunar IdeasBang PlWedge Pl
Immerse IdeasGoto IdeasHeart IdeasLand Naming
Best SpiritBest ZenPl FighterPl Beam
Best ComboNames DuelNames VoidFantasy Spitfire
Best EvoPl BroBest VaultNames Max
Pl HunterPl ConquerNames MojoBest Switch
Best SpiritPl AddictPl DruidBest Phoenix
Best RankBest FrameBest BeamFantasy Life
Fantasy SynergyBest SonicNames RavenFantasy Machine
Pl BeastNames BomberPl SpawnPl Bullet
Names SuperPl SebasBest EpicBest Synergy
Pl AnimePl EliteBest EvilPl Hunt
Names GuardianBest BoomBest TacticalPl Pick
Fantasy ShockBest GeniusFantasy TowerNames Shock
Names LuckyFantasy SlayerNames NightFantasy Secret
Pl CultBest LuckyFantasy GuardPl Calibre

How Do You Come Up With A Planet Name?

If you are a big-time sci-fi fan, then there are certain things that you will have to keep in mind certain things. A planet is a huge body of mass, and hence, making the name trifle, would make the name to be a bit dull. 

You will also have to keep in mind the purpose of naming a planet. 

Here is how you can come up with the most interesting imaginary planet names: 

  • The name should be hi-tech
  • The name must have weightage
  • Make the name of the planet sound uncommon
  • Include silent words in the spelling, e.g. Znmerr, Guenther
  • A touch of evil sound makes the name of the imaginary planet more interesting

What Would You Name A Desert Planet?

Imagine a planet that has no water. Obviously, we know that life will not be possible on such a planet, but what if there are aliens who live on sand, the same way we survive by consuming water?

What would you name such a desert planet? Let us look at some of the best name suggestions for imaginary planet names that consist just of the desert.

Assassin IdeasTrap PlVortex NamingLifestyle Naming
Planted NamingRazor NamingSummer PlPlanters Pl
Lawn NamingPrimer PlColored PlWorldwide Ideas
Attract IdeasMeter NamingCandy PlBliss Naming
Treat PlAffect IdeasAdvantage PlTap Naming
Depot NamingVox IdeasResolution IdeasZip Ideas
Champion PlTender NamingSourced IdeasIntellect Ideas
Onyx IdeasWay PlStarter PlHive Ideas
Fog PlLucid IdeasPrima PlRoad Pl
Palace IdeasDirect IdeasEnergy PlDove Ideas
Split IdeasBlock IdeasLaced IdeasEdge Ideas
Foster PlStrike IdeasTribe IdeasFairy Pl
Elegant IdeasAdmire NamingHandy NamingSiege Pl
Intentions NamingJuliet NamingWay NamingScooby Pl
Treasury NamingAgeless PlBlueprint PlMotivate Ideas
Naked NamingTorah NamingMVP IdeasBubble Pl
Song IdeasMob PlGenius NamingFortify Naming
Speed PlHubble PlGo PlFuze Pl
Customs PlKnit NamingSoham PlMind Naming
Squire NamingArtes PlPure PlLean Naming
Pl ShroudFantasy ClubNames SmashBest Elite
Names OrcPl ShootFantasy FuryNames Mercy
Best SpawnNames ParagonBest BulletPl Smite
Names ThroneBest UpgradePl BattleBest Venom
Pl HammerFantasy ShotFantasy BoomPl Super
Pl MonkNames SlayerBest ActionPl Warlock
Names SpritePl ModPl RoyalNames Vault
Pl SynergyBest HaloPl Free FireNames Sky
Pl FuryPl DigitalBest ZonePl Grind
Pl CounterFantasy DragonPl CrackFantasy Sebas
Fantasy SimNames PickBest AnimeBest Guard
Fantasy OdysseyPl BerserkerFantasy SynergyFantasy Videogame
Best RaidBest LevelPl ShotBest Dope
Names ThronePl HydraPl CounterPl Tower
Fantasy SourcePl SpeedNames WarFantasy Frag
Pl MarksmanBest SpacePl NationNames Razor
Fantasy HammerFantasy LoreNames MojoNames Horizon

Fantasy Moon Names

Now that we are talking about planets, we must also cover the topic of fantasy moon names since planets have moons orbiting around them.

For instance, earth has the moon, Jupiter has Europa, Ganymede, Callisto. Saturn has Titan, Rhea, Europa, Tethys. Similarly, if you want to expand on the fantasy planet plot, then there better be some fantasy moons.

Trim NamingElan IdeasExchange NamingCare Pl
Deal IdeasIdeasazaGrounds NamingGround Ideas
Atom IdeasEnergize IdeasEndeavor IdeasCelebration Naming
Pocket NamingElite IdeasVenture NamingCyst Ideas
Hex IdeasFlagship NamingYummy NamingKing Ideas
Association NamingDefinite PlCaliber PlButterfly Ideas
Frig NamingMax IdeasNimble NamingOperator Naming
N IdeasShore NamingAxle PlCounter Pl
Taurus PlHall PlLive NamingDaytona Ideas
Together PlAuthority NamingFathom PlA1 Pl
Posh PlIndependent IdeasFadeaway IdeasLandscape Ideas
Ethical NamingJasmine IdeasMicro PlRunway Ideas
Quest IdeasRadiant NamingSet NamingMunition Pl
Create PlCentral PlGuard IdeasAgeless Ideas
Esteem IdeasPicker NamingHotline IdeasPortrait Naming
Blend IdeasAtlas NamingSkin IdeasFrosted Ideas
Guider NamingPines NamingFlamingo IdeasRules Naming
Capture PlDetail NamingBold NamingKitten Ideas
Heart PlUnity IdeasPhenom PlHottie Pl
Avenue PlRequest IdeasTogether NamingStatus Ideas
Fantasy Creed Names World Pl Shoot Names Synergy
Fantasy Razor Fantasy Smash Fantasy War Names Cult
Names Upgrade Best Shot Pl Tactical Fantasy Dual
Fantasy Dragon Fantasy Gen Names Free Fire Names Crimson
Names Source Pl Dwarf Best Dawn Pl Sonic
Best Bot Best Chaos Names Chip Fantasy Wind
Fantasy Rank Names Switch Best Slayer Pl Challenge
Names Grind Best Hydra Names Bullet Names Poe
Pl Sprite Fantasy Knight Pl Dudes Best Rush
Fantasy Raid Best Talent Best Duel Fantasy Bomber
Best Hazard Best Source Fantasy Mortal Best Horizon
Pl Duel Best Hotline Best Smash Names Battle
Pl Talent Best Lethal Names Mech Pl War
Pl Wings Fantasy Destructor Pl Hammer Pl Outcast
Best Phoenix Fantasy Interactive Best Honor Pl Effect
Best Mine Fantasy Videogames Names Nintendo Names Sensor
Fantasy Lucky Pl Cube Best Zone Best Shoot
Names Mag Best Razor Fantasy Terror Names Global
Best Zombie Names Impulse Fantasy Shot Pl Matrix
Names Shaman Pl Hunter Names Calibre Pl Crimson
Names Poke Names Royal Pl Mech Best Boom

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Evil Planet Names

We have heard of aliens. In some alien movies, we have seen them be benevolent, and in some others, they come from an evil planet. 

If you are designing a game with evil aliens or writing a book that includes this theme, then you will perhaps need a few evil planet names.

How To Come Up With An Evil Planet Name?

  • The planet name should sound dangerous.
  • The name should sound intriguing.
  • The name of the planet can have a hint of nastiness. However, don’t be vulgar with the naming ideas.
Play NamingPastry IdeasAnywhere NamingGoal Naming
Lily IdeasDynamo PlAstonish IdeasHand Naming
Record NamingGunslingers NamingVapor PlIdeasomatic
Crafty IdeasBlink NamingFast Break IdeasCaliber Ideas
Gang IdeasCrystal NamingDiscuss PlKings Naming
Evoke NamingSy IdeasIdeasifySurge Pl
Parley IdeasMyst IdeasSlide NamingTrust Ideas
Modern IdeasUrban PlKyat PlVille Naming
Push PlInvest IdeasSurge IdeasDebt Ideas
Think IdeasLift IdeasSkyway NamingPeak Ideas
Market NamingAchilles NamingTingle IdeasFun Pl
Spark NamingOrganic NamingExplosive IdeasBubble Pl
Wink IdeasAquarius IdeasListing NamingHero Naming
Radiate NamingSpiffy NamingDove PlStir Naming
Joy IdeasTrowel NamingEssence IdeasAmity Ideas
Paper NamingSentiment PlMorning IdeasAir Pl
Telegraph IdeasSpark IdeasSprites IdeasSinful Naming
Ace IdeasRapid NamingRise PlArk Ideas
Vernal PlPursuit PlBumble IdeasIntrigue Naming
Tonal NamingEnergy IdeasSunrise NamingTrigger Ideas
Fantasy IntelPl LethalNames LandPl Elite
Best WalkerFantasy SuperNames AccelerateFantasy War
Fantasy GunFantasy HonorFantasy BuffBest Interactive
Fantasy TacticalBest CubeNames ClanPl Sky
Best VaultNames StrikeFantasy SniperPl Bandit
Best WindFantasy MazeNames DudesPl Royale
Pl OutlawBest ShotNames SourcePl Empire
Pl ComboBest MegaBest WarlockNames Pirate
Fantasy Free FireFantasy SebasNames CloudBest Bros
Best KingdomNames HaloPl MonoBest Assassin
Pl MegaFantasy UpgradePl FragPl Rush

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Icy Planet Names

Chilly and icy planets that have ice knives raining or cold deserts can attract the attention of the readers or the gamers immensely.
You can also add a swiveling twist by adding a valley containing a poisonous lake on the planet.

If you already have so many ideas and more, then all you are left to do is find the name of the icy planet.

Here are some imaginary planet name suggestions for the icy planets.

Space PlCrispy NamingSnuff IdeasOffset Pl
Habit NamingKeep IdeasAbstract PlTopia Pl
Sigma NamingFraternity NamingPop PlSmack Pl
Life PlStitch NamingGoto NamingCivil Ideas
Blocks PlCore NamingLense IdeasAchala Ideas
Seed NamingIronwood PlFine IdeasHolograph Ideas
Tease PlKit NamingGalore PlZero Naming
Awake IdeasLiving IdeasShift NamingCheap Shot Ideas
Vayu PlTap NamingFlex PlTrance Naming
Guild NamingEnergise PlProducts IdeasHack Ideas
Focus PlMatter PlRelied IdeasOverdrive Pl
Synergist NamingOutpost IdeasTec NamingCue Naming
Deck IdeasSummer NamingInsight IdeasOrigin Naming
Base NamingScript PlBasket NamingClement Naming
Nomad PlCannon IdeasSharp NamingHopper Ideas
Rested IdeasCymbal NamingPioneer NamingZeus Pl
Raid IdeasCatwalk NamingHello NamingHaven Pl
Misfits PlBites IdeasShack NamingAroma Naming
Flagship NamingBrewers IdeasCertain IdeasPick Naming
Gladiator PlScope PlSoulmate NamingZip Pl

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Made Up Planet Names

Suppose you are searching for a planet name that does not have any type. Say, for example, it is neither an icy planet nor a desert planet. You will have to come up with some made-up name that will attract the reader of the game player to get into more details.

You can design the feature and characteristics of such an imaginary planet according to your will. But when it comes to naming ideas of planets, you better be careful because a wrong-sounding name can send the whole plot spinning off the track.

Naturo Ideas Cuddly Naming Perfection Naming Radiance Ideas
Cornerstone Ideas City Pl Showtime Pl Citron Naming
Consulting Pl Hand Ideas Ideasadora Place Naming
Active Naming Paradise Pl Foster Ideas Joyful Naming
Yum Ideas Fluffy Ideas Science Naming Elite Pl
Sharing Naming Sweetheart Pl Superior Ideas Toys Naming
Modish Pl Hazard Pl Planet Naming Finds Ideas
Plains Naming Bound Ideas Urge Ideas Ally Ideas
Joey Naming Plants Pl Pioneer Ideas Maha Ideas
Spring Naming Pantry Naming Line Pl Active Pl
Opacity Pl Light Pl Azure Pl Covert Naming
Mentor Ideas Cutting Pl Buff Pl Impeccable Pl
Acre Ideas Precious Naming Hive Naming Speed Naming
Hoops Naming Cove Pl Bug Pl Kick Naming
Mode Ideas Creative Pl Vanguard Pl Formula Pl
Daffodil Ideas Launch Pl Force Ideas Wholesome Ideas
Relax Ideas Cornerman Pl Tanner Ideas Barge Naming
Tender Naming Print Ideas Superior Pl Announce Ideas
Sunshine Ideas Optimum Ideas Magnolia Ideas Drift Naming
Tickle Ideas Alpha Naming Palm Pl Den Pl

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Names FragFantasy WarlockFantasy LinkNames Super
Fantasy KnightPl ThiefFantasy ParagonFantasy Critical
Names WorldBest ScriptFantasy SoulsPl Poke
Names FireNames FrostNames SurvivalBest Action
Names EvoPl VengeanceBest PaladinBest Combat
Best BotFantasy CultPl SpiritNames Walker
Best TurboPl GenBest VengeanceBest Horizon
Best Fantasy Planet Names

Why People Search For Made-Up Planet Names?

There can be a plethora of reasons why people search for planet names. Some of the most common reasons for searching imaginary planet names are: 

  • It’s your wish.
  • You might be writing a sci-fi novel
  • You need a fantasy planet name for designing a game
  • You might want to name a planet in your movie
  • Imaginary planet names are also great for writing short stories on

No matter because you are searching for imaginary planet names, we hope we have been able to help you out.

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Aniket jain

Hi there, My self Aniket Jain. A virtual SEO expert, content writer, and digital marketer. Works with lots of passion, hardly dedicated to what's best and what's next ✌️. Hope u all like my work ✌️

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