Categories: Names

Kitsune Name Ideas for Male And Female

Thinking about Kitsune Name? If you are a big fan of the game Adopt Me, I’m sure you often spend a lot of time naming your favorite pet Kitsune. Being the owner, you always try to be creative and intellectual while naming your pet.

In the Teen Wolf universe, Kitsunes are species that possess supernatural powers. They have no such concept of right and wrong. They are often called ‘tricksters’.

There is a Japanese myth too about Kitsunes. In Japanese myth, Kitsunes are foxes who can transform themselves into humans, other animals, or even non-living objects. And this power increases day by day with age and wisdom.

However, here we have some of the best Kitsune names for you that you can give to your lovely pet in Adopt Me.

Female Kitsune Names

Many people want to name their Kitsune with a female name. So if you too want to name your Kitsune with a female name, here are some best female Kitsune names for you.

Female Kitsune
Yoko Usagi Chie Yukiko
Himani Megumi Azula Nala
Primrose Haruhi Uma Suna
Chimera Kame Kohana Tora
Kotori Ushi Naoto Piper
Tori Dragon Fang Sasha
Okami Suki Neko Hikari
Akela Yasha Dawn Petunia
Kaede Raze Nezumi Rei
Kurai Corin Akuma Victoria
Kirin Scar Yugi Mia
Nezumi Obito Fumio Yugi
Hisoka Takuto Okami Dragon
Scar Athelstan Yasha Naoki
Kame Wolf Mikel Naoto
Corin Fang Neko Kurai
Ichiro Jiro Takashi Ryder
Taka Akuma Ushi Nikko
Raze Kirin Wes Kotori
Chimera Yuki Kaede Rei
Kohana Joe Tora Hikari
Akahidee Akahika Akahiko Akihide
Akihisa Akika Akiken Akira
Akiran Akirat Ananda Annai
Annan Anuia Anuma Anurai

Male Kitsune Names

There are a lot of exciting male Kitsune names to name your Kitsune. Among them, we’ve got the best male Kitsune name suggestions.

Anzaburo Anzaemon Arito Arung
Ashiaga Ashino Ashinsen Atashi
Atshai Atshaka Atshakri Atshaki
Atshuhiro Atsuhiri Atsuzan Atsuzen
Abhasra Adung Akanda Akemi
Akiko Akura Akukai Akurai
Anchada Anchadako Anchai Anchan
Apsara Apsarako Arisa Arisuri
Arisuriyo Asako Asame Asami
Asamiyo Atsue Atsuko Atsuki
Atsumi Ayako Ayamako Ayameka
Ayamon Ayamom Ayano Ayani
Takama Takamami Talaya Tamai
Tamalaya Tamariki Tamiko Tamiyo
Thiaki Thiakiko Thiang Thira
Thirawan Tokie Tokiko Tokiku
Tomiko Tomiku Tomoe Tomoko
Tomom Tomomi Toyoko Tsuki
Tsuko Tsuya Takafusa Takeichi
Tashigea Tetsu Thoko Toshi
Tsune Tsura Tsutaken Tsuraman
Tsuto Tsutomo Tsutomi Tomoyuki
Chako Chalerm Chananko Chanara
Chanee Chang Chanibun Chankul
Chara Charo Charu Charun

Note that some names are from the female Kitsune names list. But you can use them for males too as these names are universal.

Kitsune Names – Pathfinder

The best way to create a name for Kitsune is Pathfinder Name Generator. Here you can choose names from a wide range of names. You just have to put the first letter that you want the name to start with, and click on Go.

Kitsune Names – Pathfinder

Then the automated program will generate all the desired names for you. You can get both the male and female names.

Let us give you both the male and female names that start with the letter A.

Male Kitsune Names – Pathfinder

Catch Chatchai Chatchra Chatri
Chaturo Chayoshi Chane Chicago
Chiko Choji Chrome Champion
Church Chuang China Church
Chula Chulak Chili Chukchi
Namika Namiko Name Nanae
Nanako Nanako Naoko Naoruriyo
Nariko Nariyama Mario Naruki
Narumi Nature Natsuko Natsumi
Natsuko Yayoi Nayoko Numnuan
Nittaya Noklek Norie Noriko
Nozomi Nyoko Nadi Namba
Namapachi Naoki Naomi North
Kitsune Blueprint Ideaslia Catchy Fuze Ideas are
Kitsune Major Demopolis Catchy Omni Name Tenacious
Name Domino Name Spark Kitsune Magna Ideas Disclosure
Catchy Minotaur Name Click Kitsune Omni Kitsune Myst
Kitsune Project Ideas Apex Catchy Novel Kitsune Minotaur
Kitsune How Ideas Split Kitsune Edition Ideas Redux
Ideas Trigger Kitsune Shout Kitsune Muse Ideas Magnolia
Kitsune Cabal Name Surge Ideasque Kitsune Atomic
Name Honor Name Vibe Name Sprite Ideaslaza
Catchy Major Kitsuneonus Name Variety Name Daydream
Catchy Apex Ideas Heart Namewind Catchy Zeal
Catchyverse Catchy Honor Name Enjoy Nameomatic


Female Kitsune Names – Pathfinder

Name Scope Kitsune Lynx Catchy Editor Name Scribe
Name Core Nameara Name Assure Catchy Assembly
Ideasio Ideas Play Ideas Dare Kitsunelada
Catchy Jam Namery Ideas Myst Ideas Mammoth
Name Mass Name Atomic Name Stream Catchy Cracked
Catchy Crypt Ideas Stellar Catchyorama Kitsune Cerberus
Name Minotaur Kitsune Variety Ideas Lynx Catchy Core
Nameverse Catchy Sapient Catchy Disclosure Name Fireball
Ideas Saga Ideas Spark Kitsune Hype Ideas Novel
Ideas Inside Name Brainy Catchy Ark Catchy Parachute
Kitsuneex Name Stream Catchy Spirit Catchy Lynx
Ideas Crimson Ideas Allied Name Hype Ideas Mammoth
Kitsune Spring Ideas Bold Kitsune Sprightly Kitsune Colossal
Name Editor Catchy Ride Kitsune Spotlight Catchy Domino
Ideas Click Kitsune Zealous Name Lime Kitsune Muse
Name Novel Catchy Flow Ideas Broadcast Kitsune Variety
Ideas Omni Ideas Capital Catchy United Name Catalyst
Ideas Colossal Kitsune Praise Catchy Variety Catchy Visionary
Name Domino Catchy Hype Name Assembly Ideas Trust
Ideas Muse Kitsune Visionary Kitsune Stellar Name Dime
Name Discover Catchy Insight Ideas Scope Kitsune Stream
Kitsune Mix Name Blackout Name Plug Name Zealous
Catchy Zealous Ideas Flow Ideas Arrowhead Ideas Horizon
Ideas Inspire Ideas Visionary Name Honor Kitsune Master
Catchy Sage Kitsune Bold Kitsune Push Ideas Scribe

Also Read: Best Dragon Names List

Japanese Kitsune Names

Japanese Kitsune

Kitsunes are originated in Japan, so they have a huge effect on Japanese names. Most of the Kitsune names are derived from Japanese names. Here are some Japanese Kitsunes names for you.

Name Cause Name Voice Ideas Publish Name Mass
Name Blank Ideas Icarus Name Broadcast Catchy Muse
Name Scoot Ideas Foster Ideas Core Ideas Hype
Ideas Domino Kitsune Novel Kitsune Divide Catchy Surge
Name Wave Kitsune Prosper Kitsune Publish Kitsune Scribe
Name Mammoth Catchy Horizon Catchy Atomic Name Sage
Ideas Wisdom Kitsune Zeal Kitsune Champion Name Horizon
Kitsune Bravo Kitsune Sage Kitsune Verse Name Outlet
Ideas Outlet Catchy Inside Ideas Stargazer Name Enjoy
Name Prosper Catchy Sprightly Catchy Complex Ideas Accord
Catchy Click Catchy Dare Catchy Publish Ideas Heart
Kitsune Flight Name Disclosure Ideas Storm Name Honor
Catchy Spring Ideas Magenta Catchy Master Kitsune Share
Catchy Minotaur Ideas Novel Kitsune Assure Catchy Dart
Name Core Catchy Tribe Kitsune Dart Name Share
Ideas Cracked Ideas Parachute Kitsune Assembly Name Dart
Ideas Apex Kitsune Limitless Kitsune Ignite Kitsune Bravo
Ideas Plug Ideas Pulse Name Wise Ideas Wisdom
Catchy Major Ideas Power Ideas Dynamo Catchy Shadow
Ideas Myst Kitsune Crimson Catchy Spark Kitsune Loud
Catchy Crowd Ideas Share Kitsune Hype Kitsune Scope
Ideas Omni Name Magna Name Rave Catchy Specter
Catchy How Kitsune Verse Kitsune Surge Kitsune Click
Name Atomic Catchy Trigger Kitsune Vortex Kitsune Blueprint
Catchy Cracked Ideas Catalyst Name Champion Ideas Capital


Cute Kitsune Names

There are some kitsune names that are very cute. Cute Kitsune names always sound very nice and add some extra flavor to the game. Some of the best cute Kitsune names are –

Name Stream Catchy Storm Catchy Novel Catchy Accord
Ideas Disclosure Name Bam Catchy Insight Catchy Phantom
Kitsune Visionary Ideas Magna Kitsune Pulse Kitsune Trigger
Ideas Horizon Ideas Split Kitsune Cracked Kitsune Loop
Kitsune Lift Name Magenta Kitsune Allied Name Novel
Ideas Outlet Frumptious Names Ideas Sprite Kitsune Broadcast
Name Inside Bear Kitsune Ideas Muse Ideas Crowd
Name Outlet Bean Cute Snuff Names Funland Names
Name Sprite Bee Names Child Names Butterfly Kitsune
Graceful Cute Burple Kitsune Just Kitsune Snuggle Names
Doink Cute Nambia Lavish Names Burple Cute
Namorama Astronaut Cute Enjoy Kitsune Buddy Kitsune
Sugary Kitsune Wink Cute Pumpkin Kitsune Toot Kitsune
Bubs Cute Buddies Names Namlaza Magic Cute
Plum Names Namaholic Cuteonus Piglets Names
Kitsuneistic Pooch Names Glitter Names Namporium
Amuse Cute Happy Cute Piggy Names Bug Cute
Jungle Cute Namwind Mania Names Kitsuneopedia
Cha-Cha Names Cutegenix Prince Kitsune Namara
Kitsuneverse Namex Kissy Names Cuteadri
Unicorn Names Kitsunesy Kitsuneomatic Peapod Cute
Toot Names Namtastic Smile Kitsune Cubs Kitsune
Bambi Names Toon Names Namnetic Crummy Kitsune
Joy Cute Joy Kitsune Dainty Kitsune Chomp Cute
Bumble Cute Monkey Cute Child Kitsune Namocity

Neon Kitsune Names

Neon Kitsune Names
Neon Spur Names Saffron Kitsune Wizard Neon Master
Kitsunearc Names Deal Kitsune Acclaimed Neonomatic
Kitsune Studio Neon Genius Names Razor Kitsunepad
Names Atto Kitsune Terrarium Neon Mattress Namadora
Kitsune Utopia Neon Connections Kitsune Herald Names Calibre
Neon Rale Neon Roam Neon Repay Kitsune Vogue
Neon Radiate Neon Affordable Kitsune Sideline Neon Ricochet
Neon Commune Namjet Neon Relax Neon Underexpose
Kitsune Kiss Kitsune Warmth Neon Action Kitsuneaholic
Neon Pro Kitsune Nectar Namlance Kitsuneable
Neonooze Kitsuneara Kitsune Romeo Neonlux
Neonporium Kitsune Iconic Kitsune Cutter Neon Home
Kitsuneoryx Kitsune Gravity Names Gear Kitsune Cheap Shot
Names Centric Kitsune Wax Kitsune Hill Kitsune Baron
Kitsune Soar Neon Corner Kitsune Breakaway Names Become
Names Thorad Kitsune Allurement Neon Factory Neon Proper
Kitsune Premiere Neon Together Names Airball Names Land
Neon Factory Kitsune Logistic Names Draft Names Avid
Kitsune Grove Names Cross Names Rare Neon Daze
Namgenics Kitsune Mafia Kitsuneprism Names Swanky
Kitsune Ringer Kitsune Gentle Kitsune Genesis Names Mass
Kitsune Hero Nampad Neonable Kitsune Empower
Names Den Namomatic Kitsune Dev Kitsune Radiant
Kitsune Cleopatra Kitsunelia Kitsune Impulse Kitsune Brewer
Neon Reach Neon Blitz Kitsune Admire Kitsune Sage

Neon Kitsunes are the best-looking Kitsunes. That’s why the name should glorify and justify their beauty too. Some best possible neon Kitsune names are

Kitsune Name Meaning


In Japanese, the word Kitsune stands for Thanks! In the mythology of Japan, Kitsune was a fox spirit. It is considered to be a spirit of a female fox, who has powers like shape-shifting.

That means, it can turn into humans, other animals, or any non-living objects. The power of a Kitsune is symbolized by the increase in the number of tails.

Anime Kitsune Male

Anime is now the latest trend worldwide. Almost everyone from every age group enjoys anime. There are a lot of anime shows available for the audience.

Anime was first made in Japan. There are a lot of Japanese anime shows. And being a part of Japanese mythology, Kitsune soon took part in their anime too. And now they’re a lot of anime with Kitsune characters that are very popular not only in Japan but also in this entire globe.

There a lot of male Kitsune characters in anime. We are trying to give you a list of the best and famous anime Kitsune male characters. Do check out if there is your favorite Kitsune character.

Squeeze Cute Pal Cute Jive Names Dimples Cute
Recess Cute Creative Cute Paddywack Names Ravishing Names
Perky Kitsune Kids Cute Little Names Buttons Cute
Chubby Cute Kitsuneio Power Cute Jive Kitsune
Cuteque Apex Names Ladybug Kitsune Honest Names
Gem Cute Care Kitsune Limited Names Vignette Neon
Dobby Cute Group Kitsune Purr Kitsune Honey Names
Soft Names Smelt Neon Olympia Names Moon Kitsune
Ojas Kitsune Launch Names Obelisk Neon Posture Names
Fibre Kitsune Major Neon Namry Dreamworld Kitsune
Fuel Kitsune Dub Kitsune Eclipse Kitsune Zoom Names
Herb Names Lavish Neon Runners Names Ambrosial Neon
Luster Names Slipstream Names Berry Names Start Kitsune
Plush Names Swift Neon Legendary Kitsune Mirror Kitsune
Cheetah Neon Luxe Neon Booth Neon Performance Names
Giant Kitsune Profit Names Elk Kitsune Harmony Kitsune
Southpaw Names List Names Wreaths Neon Thrill Names
Laza Names Trek Kitsune Society Neon Exquisite Kitsune
Hideaway Names Chew Neon Virtual Names Orange Neon
Shotgun Neon Soil Names Sonic Kitsune Capital Kitsune
Outpost Names Farming Neon Foundry Neon Target Neon
Motion Kitsune Foundation Neon Counter Names Final Neon
Kristina Names Dark Names Seek Kitsune Rings Names
Dawn Neon Seed Neon Ex Neon Apache Neon
Idol Neon Regent Neon Star Kitsune Cherry Neon

There are a lot of anime male Kitsune characters, but the characters listed above are the most famous ones in the world of anime.

Kitsune Names: Mythology

Kitsune is actually a character that originated from Japanese mythology. In Japanese mythology, we find a character which a spirit of a female fox. It has some magical superpowers. One of them is shape-shifting, which is changing itself to another character.

It can turn itself into a human, or any other animal, or even into some non-living object too.
There is another term called ‘Kitsunetsuki’. It means ‘the state of being possessed by a fox’.

Foxes in Japanese folklore can possess any person of their own will. But the term Kitsunetsuki is generally attributed to the malign intents of hereditary fox employers.


  • What is a good name for a Kitsune?

There are a lot of names available for your Kitsune pet in the game Adopt Me. Some names are really sweet and famous like Yoko, Himani, Namika, Nanako, Chara, Chaturo, etc.

  • What are the 13 types of Kitsune?

There are 13 different types of Kitsune and each has its own element. Those are Heaven, Dark, Spirit, Forest, Wind, Time, Mountain, Sound, Thunder, River, Fire, Ocean, and Earth.

  • What should I name my neon Kitsune in Adopt Me?

There are already two famous names for the neon Kitsune in the game Adopt Me. Those are Raiton (The Japanese term of thunder), and Chidori. You can name your Kitsune after any of these.

The Final Words

From ancient Japanese mythology to modern video games, Kitsune is a widely accepted character. As time flies, the scary mythological female magical fox spirit has turned into a cute, lovable pet in the game Adopt Me.

There are a lot of characters in popular anime shows too in which there are equally famous and widely accomplished anime characters.

A lot of people search for Kitsune names daily. They either want to name their Kitsune in the video game Adopt Me or just want to know the story behind ancient Japanese mythology. Whatever it is, Kitsune names are something that is very interesting just like mythology.

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Aniket jain

Hi there, My self Aniket Jain. A virtual SEO expert, content writer, and digital marketer. Works with lots of passion, hardly dedicated to what's best and what's next ✌️. Hope u all like my work ✌️

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