The githyanki and Githzerai Names were a race of Astrai Plane dwellers. Survivors of a long subjugation by mind flayers. They became ruthless pillagers and raiders of many worlds in the Prime Material plane. Just as all, githyanki are tall as well as slender humanoids with rough, leathery yellow skin as well as bright black eyes that were sunken deep in their orbits.
They had long and angular skulls, with tiny as well as small and highly placed flat noses, as well as ears that were pointed as well as serrated in the backside. They typically grew either red or black hair, which they styled in topkots. Let’s see, the Githzerai Names below. Scroll down for more details.
Githzerai Name Generator
At last when githzerai possessed psionic abilities. They were all capable of minor telekiness in the same trend to the mage hand spell as well as could also hone their abilities to become capable of innatelt casting jump and misty step.
Rarag | Teekogh | Arwiris | Kazak | Helnin |
Tiwak | Xerok | Brarth | Grorg | Arak |
Zarlian | Battikua | Genrekus | Xorad | Niaral |
Ghuuriz | Shamnera | Unalahr | Immilzin | Ihrah |
Bonirool | Fathuum | Ellukus | Dranena | Darlian |
Raszmia | Qyan | Arwanya | Nagh | Rarzth |
Harutha | Eszel | Kraram | Orkk | Amgh |
Raszya | Dharane | Mad | Makk | Ordran |
Hhaalak | Egarth | Arelna | Grankh | Vithel |
Grelith | Groth | Ohnilzin | Nahilias | Barlla |
Darth | famag | Hrarth | Raszanith | Elleka |
Grorth | Hramiak | Marmila | Almeya | Lazeah |
Whitoogh | Ellgagh | Uwith | Furd | Shameth |
Branzar | Uurthe | Urarak | Farkhar | Krotig |
Ferth | Feaghel | Dahekus | Grineth | Zarloth |
Ghuuriz | Qualiya | Marmerra | Shamra | Ganloth |
Ella | Vheetika | Arlla | Rukhar | Orerra |
Iziren | Lezayah | Dronag | Ornera | Mutar |
fharnel | Fiishoon | Khamir | Azamiak | Greliren |
Thienoa | Izera | Shundla | Lorela | Silra |
Githzerai 5e
Githyanki were typically cruel, arrogant, and aggressive. The few exceptional singles who deserted from the typical githyanki militaristic society tended to develop a disdain for rules. The high value they placed on uniqueness also caused them to become ambitious as well as self-centered. They were even known for their long memories.
The most open-minded githyanki came across as smug. Sarcastic, rude, and overconfident. However, they were generally capable of withstanding misfortune with no complaining. Clever and ingenious, githyanki adventures were not known for their loyalty or ability to make new mates. However, they were tremendously persistent in the face of danger.
Ooliren | Mhardor | Immilanya | Dradahn | Arweah |
Uweya | Urayah | Furdh | Krezayah | Harnalin |
Xharn | Helneka | Immal | Fertig | Mukran |
Zarlian | Bogziir | Srakh | Rinrak | Leziren |
Pychir | Cuth | Brazak | Lazenah | Shraniar |
Duurth | Ranmiak | Raszayah | Barzth | Kakk |
Grok | Grekhar | Urgh | Gragor | Xakh |
Ararag | Oragor | Amdh | Zarzirg | Dordran |
Shazak | Rarag | Marmela | Ondh | Nirkhar |
Fatar | Hurm | Silel | Gruzak | Farkk |
Cesguth+ | Amniar | Almniya | Darkk | Fardak |
Thorak | Lheazag | Mard | Sakiak | Muunod |
Zerth | Ur-Zerth | Nahane | Xokiak | Narlahr |
Fell Hand | Master of elements | Urnaya | Muugh | Gruth |
Planewalker | Swordthane | Adilzin | Kargh | Hrath |
Spellthane | Rrathmal | Nargh | Ihryara | Silela |
Enlightened | Anarch | Krodar | Lirayis | Lashnara |
Arwiris | Genrekus | Krezerath | Reziren | Ohnya |
Brarth | Unaahr | Kanila | Ureah | Eszmira |
Arwanya | Ellekus | Krodar | Vithela | Magdnia |
Female Githzerai
It was possible for githyanki to become disillusioned with their people’s unsavory habits as well as to try to set up a reputation on their own acts.
At last, their long-lasting presence in the Astral plane, where time did not pass, the githyanki developed a dissolute lifestyle. After a decade, they developed a hollow culture of shallow as well as unfinished undertakings, never truly mastering any task r seeing any personal plan to completion.
Mad | Hanarah | Genryara | Nagraya | Eszeth |
Marmerra | Arlla | Meirayis | Dharera | Adekus |
Dronag | Shundla | Immaka | Erzhena | Rezanith |
Marmila | Hrarth | Helnayis | Grinra | Duulid |
Khamir | Niarnara | Ferg | Immelzal | Hurth |
Dahekus | Arelna | Grukk | Ralian | Marzirg |
Immilanya | Urarak | Dahearth | Amlag | Kraruk |
Uwith | Urith | Kardh | Ganlid | Fed |
Krarm | Ohnilzin | Raszaka | Xarzth | Barlian |
Harnah | Grinera | Gramiak | Dukiak | Narzak |
Amniar | Azarad | Arwiris | Dradahn | Mutar |
Duurth | Darkhar | Genrekus | Fertig | Silra |
Zoomik | Samiak | Brarth | Krezayah | Greliren |
Yoladi | Drorak | Unalahr | Lazenah | Arweah |
Zheeniah | Lezekus | Arwanya | Rinrak | Mukran |
Jeeghek | Zhjaeve | Ellekus | Helnin | Harnalin |
Qigh | Ohneya | Mad | Niaral | Leziren |
Muurg | Marmaya | Hanarah | Arak | Shraniar |
Tymiar | Shameth | Marmerra | Ihrah | Loriza |
Pilliyon | Lhasherah | Arlla | Darlian | Raszayah |
D&D Githyanki
The constant interest in novelty is also reflected in their dressing style: githyanki were amazed at collecting as well as wearing extremely ornate and elaborate tokens of their defeated foes. It was casual for their armor as well as weapons to be overly decorated with gems, feathers, precious metals, and other ostentatious ornaments.
Dak | Grimmbold | Dronag | Immera | Urgh |
Arkiak | Immaka | Shundla | Elleka | Amdh |
Xharn | Lirnia | Marmila | Lazeah | Silel |
Qigh | Dragh | Hrarth | Ganloth | Marmela |
Beikth | Umanya | Khamir | Zarloth | Nargh |
Ganrag | Araka | Niarnara | Vithel | Uranya |
Vugharuk | Urla | Dahekus | Shameth | Adilzin |
Ezhelya | Dargor | Arelna | Ranrad | Krezerath |
Lirane | Dolmla | Immilanya | Xhazak | Immiliza |
Gank | Grulla | Urarak | Krotig | Kanila |
Amdram | Helna | Uwith | Orerra | Krodar |
Vilthir | Dorniar | Urith | Barlla | Kharmera |
Duzth | Grelith | Krarm | Amgh | Mard |
Xerok | Nalmerra | Ohnilzin | Ordran | Gramak |
Bonirool | Unath | Harnah | Rarzth | Sharmarah |
Immelzal | Dolmla | Grinera | Genryara | Nahane |
Granram | Dorniar | Brazak | Immaka | Almniya |
Grukiak | Nalmerra | Hananith | Meirayis | Umanya |
Almane | Grelith | Ararek | Kardh | Dragh |
Murm | Ohnanya | Srakh | Daherath | Orokiak |
Githzerai Background
In accordance with their culture of the fight, the githyanki were ruthless warriors. They excelled at blending their psionic abilities with their fight talents. Typical githyanki warriors, sometimes referred to as ‘with warriors’, had the ability to innately reproduce the effect of the mage hand, jump, misty step, and nondetection spells, while the more powerful knights were also capable of plane shifting as well as telekinesis.
Krezalla | Krezilias | Loralin | Raszaka | Dargor |
Lezila | Unath | Immal | Ferg | Ezhera |
Ilna | Immenah | Furdh | Lirnia | Shameka |
Rezelya | Grulla | Gruth | Granzak | Rezeth |
Markk | Krozar | Arakk | Gramiak | Urla |
Dorkh | Helna | Groth | Grukk | Khazines |
Marmag | Lorla | Barzag | Helnayis | Gralag |
Rezerath | Almya | Amth | Githzerai Exert | Ark |
Shamihn | Grurth | Nashane | Githzerai Barons | Araka |
Rezyara | Shragor | Srad | Githzerai Giga | Githzerai Key |
Uwelzal | Muzag | Ohnayis | Githzeraiwind | Githzerai Kart |
Urekus | Darth | Grukh | Githzerai Just | Githzeraicog |
Farth | Untig | Grad | Githzerai Purify | Githzerai Asset |
Vithela | Immalin | Ganrth | Githzerai Pine | Githzerai Tight |
Hukhar | Adah | Sharzth | Githzerai Nectar | Githzerai Path |
Ororm | Orolid | Niarayis | Githzerai Tingle | Githzerai Clear |
Immiris | Xhakran | Durth | Githzerai Cuts | Githzerai Fox |
Githzerai Jasmine | Umla | Arllak | Githzerai Designs | Githzerai Solution |
Githzerai Kite | Eszenah | Githzerai Divine | Githzerai Aro | Githzerai Abode |
Githzerai Mind | Brudh | Githzeraiadri | Githzerai Safeguard | Githzerai Heart |
Githyanki Naming Conventions
Githyanki’s military hierarchy was branched in firms of ten warriors, each led by a sarth. Each group of ten sarths was in turn supervised by a kithrak as well as each group of ten kithraks was led by a ‘supreme commander’.
At the top of the hierarchy stood the leader of all githyanki, Viaakith. Knights were among the most powerful githyanki as well as stood outside of the military hierarchy. Their deadliest weapons as well as a signature of githyanki culture were their silver swords, which were wielded by every knight.
Silver swords damaged the opponents’ minds as well as their bodies, and in the Astral Plane, were capable of serving the silver cord that connected the soul to their body in the Material Plane. Such weapons were treasured by all githyanki, who relentlessly pursued any outsider who wielded them.
Githzerai Academic | Uwnera | Githzerai Azraa | Githzerai Catwalk | Githzerai Chard |
Githzerai Anon | Oromir | Githzerai Symmetry | Githzerai Vibe | Githzerai Growing |
Githzerai Awe | Dharniya | Githzerai Anywhere | Githzerai Edge | Githzerai Public |
Githzeraiio | Grineya | Githzeraiify | Githzeraiopolis | Githzerai Guerilla |
Githzerai Launch | Ohnerra | Githzerai Redux | Githzerai Reps | Githzerai Ghost |
Githzerai Power | Kharmalla | Githzerai Ride | Githzerainest | Githzerai Crimson |
Githzeraifluent | Raszilias | Githzerai Daytime | Githzerai Pickup | Githzerai Ultra |
Githzeraijet | Leziza | Githzeraiscape | Githzeraiops | Githzerai Haste |
Githzerai Dash | Grurm | Githzerai Dream | Githzerai Angel | Githzerai Contrast |
Githzeraiorzo | Hurzth | Githzerai Soldier | Githzerai Hub | Githzerai Accord |
Githzerai Impression | Marmah | Githzerai Brew | Githzerai Calm | Githzerai Creator |
Githzerai Sprightly | Uwmina | Githzerai Radiant | Githzerai Forever | Githzerai Supernova |
Githzeraister | Githzerai Flair | Githzerai Honey | Githzerai Link | Githzerai Ping |
Githzerai Access | Githzerai Champion | Githzerai Active | Githzerai Ant | Githzerai Cube |
Githzerai Mono | Githzeraiish | Githzerai Giggles | Githzerai Shuffle | Githzerai Bayside |
Githzeraiquipo | Githzerai Sharpen | Githzerai Tribe | Githzerai Bodhi | Githzerai Kith |
Githzerai Spitfire | Githzerai Harvest | Githzerai Mindset | Githzerai Gallery | Githzerai Patent |
Githzeraiado | Githzeraibia | Githzerai Touch | Githzerai Poppy | Githzerai Century |
Githzerai Amber | Githzerai Group | Githzerai Atlantic | Githzerai Serenity | Githzerai Frame |
Githzeraiella | Githzerai Classy | Githzerailytical | Githzerai Grub | Githzerai Deluxe |
Githzerai Faith
Githyanki were similar to humans in many superficials respecs. However, generations of experimentation at the hands of mind flyers, as well as lengthened exposure to the Astral plane, generated noticeable differences in their physiology, in addition to their inborne psionic abilities.
At last the spending long periods of time without consuming food, their digestive systems had atrophied. So, every time they were outside of the Astral Plane, githyanki required frequent meals, often rich in meat. Also, they found the gravity of Prime Material worlds uncomfortable.
Githzerai Fruit | Githzerai Jam | Githzerai Sport | Githzerai Dime | Githzerai Funland |
Githzerai Quirky | Githzerai Overdrive | Githzerai Diverse | Githzerai Hideout | Githzerai Shakti |
Githzerai Reach | Githzerai Vintage | Githzerai Thug | Githzerai Challenge | Githzerai Consumer |
Githzerai Guides | Githzerai Op | Githzerai Light | Githzerai Heritage | Githzerai Zita |
Githzerai Argent | Githzerai Section | Githzerai Autumn | Githzerai Ride | Githzerai Ium |
Githzerai Bits | Githzerai Zing | Githzerai Sense | Githzerai Breeze | Githzerai Above |
Githzerai Fence | Githzerai Intense | Githzerai Vamp | Githzerai Pup | Githzerai Inspire |
Githzerai Stir | Githzerai Mind | Githzerai Plus | Githzerai Disk | Githzerai Ori |
Githzerai Dream | Fawn Githzer | Hotlap Githzera | Evergreen Githzerai | Bones Githzerai |
Githzerai Chat | Addict Githzer | Happy Githzera | Cool Githzerai | Elite Githzerai |
Githzerai Arts | Creativo Githzer | Planned Githzera | Shine Githzerai | Elite Githzerai |
Githzerai Gold | Adapt Githzer | Scoot Githzera | Galore Githzerai | Legacy Githzerai |
Githzerai Bliss | Videogames Githzer | Digital Githzera | Cities Githzerai | Mountains Githzerai |
Githzerai Shroud | Ricochet Githzer | Fascination Githzera | Sites Githzerai | Hope Githzerai |
Githzerai Prime | Academy Githzer | Genics Githzera | Action Githzerai | Boulevard Githzerai |
Githzerai Samurai | Me Githzer | Affinity Githzera | Fill Githzerai | Push Githzerai |
Githzerai Lifestyle | Asana Githzer | Parama Githzera | Foam Githzerai | Scrumptious Githzerai |
Githzerai Tales | Live Githzer | Flare Githzera | Quick Githzerai | Floral Githzerai |
Githzerai Explosion | Style Githzer | Nirvana Githzera | Attain Githzerai | Town Githzerai |
Githzerai Ripple | Magnificent Githzer | Lotus Githzera | Rhythm Githzerai | Cheers Githzerai |
Githyanki Clan Names
Githzerai Social | Artificial Githzer | Time Githzera | Fountain Githzerai | Flash Githzerai |
Githzerai Control | Official Githzer | Margin Githzera | Feed Githzerai | Refine Githzerai |
Githzerai Palm | Depot Githzer | Bravo Githzera | Terrain Githzerai | Still Githzerai |
Githzerai Arclight | Pebbles Githzer | Zip Githzera | Defender Githzerai | Bumberell Githzerai |
Githzerai Paragon | Passional Githzer | Kashmir Githzera | Scoot Githzerai | Bolt Githzerai |
Githzerai Cluster | Bewitch Githzer | Talks Githzera | Dirt Githzerai | Joint Githzerai |
Githzerai Boudoir | Unlimited Githzer | Form Githzera | Pad Githzerai | Meadow Githzerai |
Githzerai Tease | App Githzer | Ella Githzera | Turn Key Githzerai | Den Githzerai |
Githzerai Autumn | Stop Githzer | Accelerate Githzera | Githzerai Bits | Siren Githzerai |
Spawn Githzerai | Classroom Githzerai | Tracking Githzerai | Orkk | Amgh |
After Githzerai | Pamper Githzerai | Atomic Githzerai | Makk | Ordran |
Rapid Githzerai | Valued Githzerai | Loop Githzerai | Grankh | Vithel |
Mindset Githzerai | Leap Githzerai | Hut Githzerai | Nahilias | Barlla |
Jockey Githzerai | Thin Githzerai | Flow Githzerai | Raszanith | Elleka |
Establish Githzerai | Smart Githzerai | Grand Githzerai | Almeya | Lazeah |
Bones Githzerai | Domestic Githzerai | Neon Githzerai | Furd | Shameth |
Elite Githzerai | Chase Githzerai | Gladiator Githzerai | Farkhar | Krotig |
Elite Githzerai | Chasm Githzerai | Orn Githzerai | Grineth | Zarloth |
Legacy Githzerai | Wood Githzerai | Publicist Githzerai | Shamra | Ganloth |
Mountains Githzerai | Trade Githzerai | Direction Githzerai | Rukhar | Orerra |
Githzarai Weapons
Hope Githzerai | Junky Githzerai | Empire Githzerai | Ornera | Mutar |
Boulevard Githzerai | Traditional Githzerai | Bio Githzerai | Azamiak | Greliren |
Push Githzerai | Belief Githzerai | Styled Githzerai | Lorela | Silra |
Scrumptious Githzerai | Gold Githzerai | Urge Githzerai | Dradahn | Arweah |
Floral Githzerai | Loop Githzerai | Sweetie Githzerai | Krezayah | Harnalin |
Town Githzerai | Candy Githzerai | Honey Githzerai | Fertig | Mukran |
Cheers Githzerai | Worker Githzerai | Jam Githzerai | Rinrak | Leziren |
Flash Githzerai | Ora Githzerai | Baker Githzerai | Githzerai Fruit | Githzerai Reach |
Refine Githzerai | Blessed Githzerai | Go Githzerai | Githzerai Quirky | Githzerai Guides |
Still Githzerai | Cupcake Githzerai | Affinity Githzerai | Rank Githzerai | Investigate Githzerai |
Bumberell Githzerai | Chakra Githzerai | Products Githzerai | Habit Githzerai | Aware Githzerai |
Bolt Githzerai | Boost Githzerai | Original Githzerai | Principal Githzerai | Gas Githzerai |
Divide Githzerai | Aro Githzerai | Force Githzerai | Fortify Githzerai | Garnet Githzerai |
Planned Githzerai | Loyal Githzerai | Boldness Githzerai | Cater Githzerai | Rapid Githzerai |
Amble Githzerai | Blooms Githzerai | Brushes Githzerai | Refined Githzerai | Foxtrot Githzerai |
Cabin Githzerai | Lia Githzerai | Accelerate Githzerai | Bay Githzerai | Hack Githzerai |
Joy Githzerai | Bright Githzerai | Urbane Githzerai | Chef Githzerai | Skill Githzerai |
Entrance Githzerai | Affects Githzerai | Patch Githzerai | Estate Githzerai | Post Githzerai |
Factor Githzerai | Electric Githzerai | Brute Githzerai | Ammo Githzerai | Deco Githzerai |
Solid Githzerai | Road Githzerai | Collect Githzerai | Quake Githzerai | Lion Githzerai |
Githzerai Language
Dimples Githzerai | Slab Githzerai | Octane Githzerai | Invest Githzerai | Toot Githzerai |
Cloud Githzerai | Templar Githzerai | Reaper Githzerai | Young Githzerai | Verse Githzerai |
Roam Githzerai | Nirvana Githzerai | Society Githzerai | Box Githzerai | Part Githzerai |
Trap Githzerai | Major Githzerai | National Githzerai | Qualified Githzerai | Automation Githzerai |
Absolute Githzerai | Handy Githzerai | Passion Githzerai | Sharp Githzerai | All-Star Githzerai |
Circles Githzerai | Angel Githzerai | Muse Githzerai | Revolution Githzerai | Relax Githzerai |
Queens Githzerai | Domestic Githzerai | Supreme Githzerai | Charge Githzerai | Blur Githzerai |
World Githzerai | Oont Githzerai | Horizon Githzerai | Galileo Githzerai | Expert Githzerai |
Circle Githzerai | Conventions Githzerai | Visual Githzerai | Global Githzerai | Dream Githzerai |
Climax Githzerai | Sparkle Githzerai | Rose Githzerai | Belief Githzerai | Absolute Githzerai |
Cube Githzerai | Cleopatra Githzerai | Ease Githzerai | Move Githzerai | Peace Githzerai |
Escapade Githzerai | Mojo Githzerai | Catalyst Githzerai | Jape Githzerai | Exotic Githzerai |
Direction Githzerai | Freya Githzerai | Chief Githzerai | Road Githzerai | Warrior Githzerai |
Delightful Githzerai | Tetra Githzerai | Dive Githzerai | Generation Githzerai | Ark Githzerai |
River Githzerai | Iced Githzerai | Freight Githzerai | Stream Githzerai | Rasp Githzerai |
Tap Githzerai | Action Githzerai | Support Githzerai | Spellbound Githzerai | Riveting Githzerai |
Fox Githzerai | Amp Githzerai | Full-Frontal Githzerai | Segment Githzerai | Zita Githzerai |
Round-One Githzerai | Empire Githzerai | Blast Githzerai | Pitch Githzerai | Extend Githzerai |
Zoom Githzerai | Skylink Githzerai | Zoom Githzerai | Snap Githzerai | Slip Githzerai |
Accent Githzerai | Map Githzerai | Dream Githzerai | Meet Githzerai | Fortune Githzerai |
1.Does Githyanki Have the Last name?
Githyanki is strongly humanoid in appearance. They are of appearance. They are of approximately human height but tend to he much gut and long of limb. They have rough, yellow skin and gleaming black eyes that instantly betray their inhuman origins. Like many demi-human races, their ears have sharp points and are serrated at the back.
2.What Is A Difference Between Githyanki And Githzerai?
Land. the Githyanki prefer to live on the rocky bodies of dead gods in the astral plane. The Githzerai live in communities in limbo formed from chaos matter forced into shape by the minds of their Aarchs.
3.Where Is Githzerai From?
The githzerai were a humanoid race that dwelt primarily in the plane of Limbo. They Descended from a splinder group of gith, a race that had been enslaved by mind flayers for centuries until they rebelled for their freedom.
4.Is Githzerai Good?
Githzerai and Githyanki alike are fine Wizards. Githyanki gives wizards free Medium armor, good utility. However, an unnecessary strength bonus. Githzerai is a great defensive utility for mental attacks. However, their high wisdom is less important for a class with proficiency.
So, these are the most important pieces of information of the githyanki names. You should know all the information first and then try to start making games. You can also be conferred with your friends to pick a name from your shortlist. The most famous and favorite idea is to get a name from the name generator.
If you have any good names then please share with us also and be helpful to our other readers while sharing is caring. And after picking up your character name, share the name list with your friends and relatives.
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