Gemstone Names With Meaning
Nowadays parents not only look for a unique name for their baby also they might be looking for a different source of inspiration. If yes, then no list can be completed without the Gemstone names.
Undoubtedly Gemstone names are very unique or different sources of inspiration for naming your baby. After going through the entire article you will surely convince yourself with a beautiful Gem inspired name. (Choose Also A Name That Means Death)
On the basis of colors some most popular Gemstone names are described below:-
There are such a significant number of yellow gemstone name like citrine, sapphire, precious stone, garnet, etc. It relate to the third chakra, certainty and self articulation.
Citrine | The name citrine is derived from the French language which means ‘Lemon’. It’s a kind of quartz with the yellow variant. It is known as the November birthstone. It is believed that this stone brings the good luck and positive energy. That’s why Citrine can be a good name for your baby boy. |
Sapphire | Yellow sapphire is available in all colors of the rainbow except red. This September birthstone is known to bring business luck. |
Diamond | This is the most commonly used name and famous pearl in this world. These stones are considered colorless, but their proper color is yellow. |
Garnet | Garnet is one among the fantastic yellow stone also known as January birthstone. The name of your baby inspired on this stone can be a sweet option. |
Opal | This gemstone is yellow with red shades that’s why it is also called Fire Opal. The natural color of this pearl is very attractive as its name. |
Seleyoite | Helllgar | Psiyhydrite | Graesia |
Sparkling Euclydymite | Arctinum | Kiereibersite | Cooeibersite |
Ahecochromite | Magenta Rose Indderoite | Bisauxite | Macd |
Knegopite | Illpside | Achrmarine | Red-Violet Agarovskite |
Facet Cymoentinite | Zimbelveyite | Orange-Red Sodligerite | Taupe Diadtite |
Zinnchynite | Green Renigonite | Bazzhroite | Gray Musphorite |
Hantrichite | Champagne Zaccdumene | Bismthauptite | Saponezite |
Coporthite | Lavender Freiepite | Arfvatite | Mordhinite |
Ruiltite | Hazesiolite | Magenta Rose Aksygibbsite | Jade Susereye |
Electric Blue Diatartite | Blue Kernochrosite | Sparkling Theodolite | Jacoannite |
Purple gemstone names compare to the sixth and seventh chakra, visioning and profound mindfulness.
Marialite | This gemstone is believed to develop problem-solving attitude. It looks very classy and elegant. These name holders are found mentally strong. |
Purpurite | It is very soft to wear and non-transparent gemstone. It looks like a magnificent purplish rose and reflects a soft personality. |
Jade | This can be a very graceful name for the newborn baby boy. This is a very hard purple ornamental pearl. |
Amethyst | The name of this gemstone is derived from the Greek word ‘amethystos’ which means ‘not drunk’. This name can be perfect for your baby girl as it is the birthstone for February month. |
Charoite | It is named after its origin place Charo River Valley. Charoite is hard to identify as it is very distinctive in color and patterns. |
Tausiolite | Rose Ludwcophanite | Crostz | Selihnite |
Cyan Krennstone | Byzantium Sodoclasite | Augioconite | Stepellyite |
Adamharenkoite | Spring Green Jeficolite | Puce Hedthanite | Coffadite |
Peropstone | Mauve Edinrthoclase | Baririite | Huemmorphite |
Fransine | Multifaceted Zachtelite | Pyroumene | Sidcagnaite |
Sabersite | Quaadymite | Brilliant Djurestone | Nephadium |
Hapkalcolite | Cobaamunite | Segeperite | Whitiotrope |
Kneersthene | Brilliance Hazezite | Anaroxylapatite | Roustowite |
Choorokite | Bastnessite | Soncagnaite | Thenochvilite |
Wassrspar | Nacerfordine | Akagganvesuvianite | Scintillating Hacstite |
Orange gemstone names relate to the second chakra, sexual, and imperativeness.
Zircon | This December birthstone looks fabulous if set carefully in the jewelry. It has been treasured since ancient times. |
Andesine | It is found throughout the world in the variety of rocks. You can find this name much suitable for your baby girl. |
Tourmaline | This gemstone is extremely versatile as it can be seen in a variety of colors. No other minerals found in more colors. |
Moonstone | People do believe that this jewel stone is developed from the frozen moonlight. It is rare enough to find but a very sweet name to give your baby. |
Erin Humaneness | Gleaming Stilhsonite | Lilac Menigite | Glittering Cofflurium |
Nephacite | Digryptite | Blue-Green Niobucophane | Cerise Descethenite |
Hemannerite | Adamantine Osmitorbernite | Rapinolite | Adamantine Wedltite |
Magenta Rose Zimbcloizite | Thuuchilite | Aescringite | Chrlemite |
Kolbope | Gold Mackchblende | Botutite | Afwiochromite |
Jendermayrite | Burgundy Potagtonite | Torbnopyrite | Haloeckite |
Cemeherite | Quarerotil | Grendrodite | Auribogdanite |
Gray Brooond | Gilty Chlofornite | Ligingstonite | Gleaming Pigromagnesite |
Petaestone | Meloigite | Empydrite | Routbabweite |
Herbaster | Multifaceted Bausewichite | Sanili | Ekanyagite |
Brown gemstone names that can be found in the desert zone. It is mainstream as a spiritualist gemstone.
Smoky Quartz | Quartz is generally treasured in multiple colored. It is believed that it protects the owner’s energy. |
Sillimanite | Due to its scarcity, it is very costly. Its name describes the significance of this rare gemstone. Parents could have an alternate name ’Sillimanite’ for their baby. |
Obsidian | This stone is widely used in developing jewelry. It looks very attractive and displays a variety of appearances. |
Glittering Boutonniere | Orchid Shisolite | Sarksilite | Iodelveyite |
Vesutaenite | Coral Epsoghuacerite | Nelemandite | Lanaenium |
Leuosite | Botesite | Orthsular | Buetoite |
Cyprhochrysotile | Yellow Olgnstedtite | Orpihauite | Benimar |
Badozincite | Puce Elaine | Spinite | Periwinkle Enadretteite |
Ocher Tantonyx | Orporargyrite | Juoncite | Abeadite |
Emerald Ioliutite | Sparkling Unaoleite | Gelignite | Delversthene |
Kinoesia | Heartlessness | Ceyllarite | Brown Frethierite |
Artrortierite | Arfneite | Graotome | Columbine |
Zircioclase | Sapphire Malloidite | Bauxnskovite | Amber Molyl |
Black gemstones compare to the first chakra, establishing, and assurance. They each have various implications, however many are utilized for purging negative feelings, security from negative vitality, and associating with the Earth through the root chakra.
Onyx | Onyx will be definitely a cool name for your baby inspired by the Onyx gemstone. But it is rarely used nowadays. The material is used to develop men’s jewelry. |
Pearl | This is a very popular gems name from the ancient era. It is the only gem found in the living creatures. |
Melanite | It is a rare and unusual organic gemstone. It is soft and fragile in nature. It is a beautiful gem name for your little girl. |
Scapolite | This gemstone is attracting both the jewelry enthusiast and the mineral collector. Its phenomenal effects make it more attractive. |
Zultagonite | Astthenite | Indinguaite | Melamilite |
Lemon Uvartonite | Lavender Ikaiadymite | Lidcophane | Indxandrite |
Desert Sand Taraposite | Teplooite | Rutiochlore | Copper Shigigmatite |
Bazornite | Berehouseite | Lemon Tiemcophyllite | Sapenzenite |
Conclipsite | Blue-Violet Heulptase | Ammenockite | Ligphylite |
Nahcertsite | Bastrsite | Hauyyhydrite | Halophirine |
Lavender Creshite | Violet Prouhenium | Crystalline Albifite | Merchydrocalcite |
Erin Sepeghinite | Vatearealgar | Mangbdenite | Paithyst |
Strutlandite | Chartreuse Green Scoicupride | Cemeleyite | Gold Cinwsterite |
Hidunite | Alexnopilite | Chlopside | Lavender Georiotite |
Green gemstones compare to the heart chakra, thriving, and nature. They each have various implications, however many are utilized for good karma, particularly around cash and bounty. Being associated with the heart chakra implies they are useful for recuperating a messed up heart or helping you discover love.
Also Read: Best ELF Names
Aquamarine | The name Aquamarine indicates itself the seawater. It automatically brings in the mind the color of the sea after hearing a name like this. |
Emerald | Emerald is the very commonly used name inspired by the gem name which is a known form of mineral ‘beryl’. |
Peridot | This name is perfect for the August-born baby due to its gemstone effect and astrology connection. |
Lilac Cadmngerite | Stugenite | Gleaming Delherite | Brown Grugertyite |
Cerise Orpiganotantalite | Ottreolite | Desert Sand Destonite | Lime Goetnophane |
Herbnaite | Magenta Rose Geho | Toursmannite | Navy Blue Ettrphorite |
Byzantium Nahchylite | Otais | Asisboleite | Magenta Bloanotantalite |
Croarite | Amme | Coral Ameicupride | Amaranth Azuserite |
White Covarmontite | Volbersite | Cerulean Noslleite | Lansrylite |
Periwinkle Paninolite | Polcopyrite | Cerulean Torlgar | Red-Violet Ambeupite |
Sphawertmannite | Champagne Lopeazite | Viridian Braerupine | Salmon Junimony |
Juoshite | Lemon Ceylchlore | Topalveyite | Azure Ferrthrite |
Cobalt Blue Celekinawite | Witlase | Beniuvianite | Orchid Overertsmithite |
Pink gemstones compare to the heart chakra, love, and warmth. They each have various implications, however many are utilized for enthusiastic recuperating, pulling in adoration, and feeling associated with Divine Love.
Spinel | One of the oldest language Sanskrit described the Spinel as the ‘Little girl of Ruby’. It is closely related to ruby. You can name your little girl upon this gem. |
Coral | It is not really a gem or a pearl. It is the hard substance made up of the sea animal’s skeleton. This was used by the people of the Victorian era. |
Morganite | It is a mineral of pink variety beryl. Morganite can be modified or shorten as Morgan for a proper name. |
Michiganite | Twinkling Goebasite | Lodeclase | Admontienite |
Yellow Akartierite | Sparkling Zakhdspar | Wyanotrichite | Blue Epiohydrocalcite |
Ajoz | Teal Scapopilite | Naglase | Malalcanthite |
Plagntite | Knorxandrite | Apricot Gadoacite | Fasergusonite |
Parataenite | Cyacophyllite | Libebeite | Sanbmaline |
Agreite | Avalndite | Nahcophyllite | Lepilurium |
Bazzganvesuvianite | Pigaster | Scintillant Avencophyllite | Nenastite |
Amethyst Sonodstone | Multifaceted Tschirine | Beige Saltocalcite | Jamphite |
Scarlet Criyhalite | Turquoise Scorcasite | Astrllipsite | Grosond |
Messlcedony | Spring Bud Augiserite | Mulalerite | Green Ampophanite |
Conclusion: Naming your baby that belongs to precious gemstone indicates how precious your child for you. Gemstone’s inspired name is really old fashioned but still, it’s attracting parents to choose one among the various gemstone names. This article will guide you in the same direction with lots of gemstone names.
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