Business Names

Catchy Dance Studios Name Ideas

In earlier times, people used to do a dance just for entertainment and as their hobbies but the times have changed everything. Now people are making dance their profession and are focusing on opening this dance talent at the big level. So are you among those who have made their mind to open a dance academy but confused about picking up the right name for it? Hustle, no more because we are here to resolve the matter of your confusion. Firstly let’s have some idea about how to choose dance academy names.


HOW TO CHOOSE NAME FOR YOUR DANCE STUDIO: Choosing a name can be both interesting as well as can be the most challenging part of your business. So before jumping onto any decision, there are some points that one must always consider. Use the below considerations to narrow the list of the names you are confused about.

  • Visualize your dance company names: Always remember your name is something that people will be seeing everywhere- on your websites, social media pages, advertisements etc. So it becomes very important to think about how your potential name will look visually. One must always consider the length of the name, the punctuation that is being used and the logo that is used must fit according to your name.
  • Always think about Connotation: I am sure nobody of you might have seen some childish and silly names being used by any business. So make sure that the name you are going to choose must have some appropriate connotation because your name is something that is going to make a first impression on your dance studio.
  • Do some internet research: If you are thinking of establishing your dance business on social media as well, then make sure to do internet research as well. Once you have made your mind about your dance class names, it’s time to do some research. Check on the internet if the URLs and social media slugs are available for the name that you have chosen. Also, check if your name is already being used by some other company. If any of these problems occur, then you might have to change your name idea to some very unique name that stands out.
  • Be aware of common mistakes: We have seen entrepreneurs making very common mistakes while they choose their name such as the mixing of two words together in order to stand out. But the results come out to be very unnatural. So make Sure to choose a name that is not complicated and easy to remember.


 Dance is such a talent that everyone nowadays wants to own. So it will be a very good option to start your business in this field. If you have already made your mind about opening your own dance academy but have no ideas about what name you can choose for it, then don’t worry. Below are some ideas to choose school dance names and dance company names.

Chicago Fit ChicksFunk Fusion Dance StudioSwingy PhysiqueAt the Beat
Recharge fitnessGlam Dance StudioSoulbeatDancers Heartbeat
Fierce CurvesFootlights Dance StudioChamp’s feetEach Beats
Contoured WellnessFeet on wonderMajor in MotionKlassy Divas
Get Fit, MetabosDancaholics studioDWM-Dance with meFire Groovers
Balance FitnessBop till you DropRhythmic stylePremier Dance Academy
Better Your BeautiesIllusion DanceGroovy FoxSunrise Dance Academy
Extreme TransformersDropbeat Dance studioPretty swingsThe Plex Dance Studio
Metabody CompleteD evolve academyTap the FeetStretch your body boot camp
ShakedownFunk FusionTap in StyleSeveral Dancers Core
Dance Your WayFront StepsDance DesiAll That Jazz
Art in motionDrum Trance Dance StudioGood Foot ForwardDancer’s World
Steppin’ Time Inc.DancePebble Dance StudioThe Right FootMoveable Feets Dance
Mind Bending MovesDance StepDance DynamicsBig City Dance
D Town CurvesDancing On AirMove Space DanceCrazyJades Dance Studio
BusiFolio DanceDance from the HeartCity Lights DanceTwinkling Stars
Lightspeed DancersLove To DanceKlassy DivasTwirling Stars
Illusion DanceSpotlight StudioBoogie NightsLost in Motion
Dance EmotionThe Dance ComplexA Lot to DanceDance Alley
Motion dancerDance EstablishmentTapFeetVerve Dance Class
PrimeCore DanceCandy DanceDance ZoneHot Shoe Dance Studio
Alphex Dance AcademySteps and StylesElite Dance StudioFusion Fitness
The Dance GalsTango TalentHook CrookDainty Dancers
Graceful MovesDance ConceptsThe Dance BoxClassic Dyna Dance
Dizzy DancerciseThe Blessed AngelsDance SensationKlassy Kats
Dance RebelsWaltz and WanderSpace Dance StudioJump and Jive
Street DanceDance BagShake it Off!The Dancing Footsteps
Hip Hop BonanzaRhythmic MovesFlash DanceStudio Temple
Tapestry DanceTip Toes Dance StudioDance OasisDance 2 the Music
Dance DreamsDance Is LifeSupa Dancin’ StudioChamp’s Feet
Hook CrookThe Dance WhisperersDancing feetPowerhouse Dance
Dance the new dreamStanding Ovation School of DanceBeat bustersPolestars
6th position dance companyStage Lights Dance StudioDazzling stars of (your city)Pointed Toes studio
Art in motionSpotlight Dance StudioDancing sparksMove and Groves
Artisan school of danceSoaring Starz StudioDancing spiritsLet’s Dance
Dance conceptsSalsa SwingsZest lifeLights Camera Dance
Motion dancerRhythm StudioVerve Dance studioLeaps and Beats
Hip-hoppersReckless DanceTwinkle Toes StudioJump and Jive
Spirit soul dancingRazzle DazzleTo the point Dance studioJazz Hands Dance studio
DanspirationPump itThe Hip-HoppersHippy Hippy Shake
Dance On!BalletFortePrettyRhythm Dance StudioDance Works
Dance VisionChicago Fit ChicksPolestarsStudio Ability
One Motion DanceDancerciseFast Feet StudioDance Space
Grace beaterAll That JazzBattery DanceRed Rubies
Rumba RompAt the BeatDance BlissDanceWilley
Twistin’ TunesFunk Fusion Dance StudioDance ShackDance Elements
Dancing DivasArt in MotionThe Dance InsiderBallet & More
Dance CornerJazzBungy Dance ClubHappy Feet DanceUpSwing Dance
Dance conceptsDance XplosionThe Dance FairyDoll Dynasty
Dance WellnessUrbanStar DanceDancing sparksD evolve Academy
DancesportBeat Box Dance StudioBody & Soul DancePowerhouse Dance
Let’s DanceUrbanMove Dance ClubDanceteriaLeotard Dance
Soul StepsDiablo BalletDancing QueenDance Encore
Dancing Step by StepMadMomentsSafe Moves Dance StudioTogether We Dance
Always Dance StudioMartinMove DanceMy Move StudioImagination Station
Gotta DanceCurtain CallHip hoppersDamsel Dancers
Dance MastersLaunch Dance TheaterJam Dance ZoneDance Wellbeing
Floorlords CrewDance ExpressionsHip Hop NationSuperstars to The Max
Hook Up Dance StudioJazzString Dance ClubHouse of MovesGlenn Skates Inc.
Dance Vibes StudioUSA Elite DanceFast Feet StudioPretty Vertical

Read More : Dance Team Name Ideas

Girl dance group names

 Undoubtedly, girls are the best dancers, and to justify that you need a powerful name for your girl bang dance group. We’ve got the best and funniest girl dance group names for you that will definitely hit everyone’s head and cheers from all over.

Bone crushersThe heatHeater upThe smoke
Dance DynastyThe HitmenThe power packThe flash
Dance-HungryThe legacyThe plugSleek sliders
Black FireThe heatThe sizzlersStar girls
Fiery dancersHeat emittersHopping robotsHot coals
Fast frequencyFlaming arrowsComing homeCoal mills
Freaky scorpionsIgnited spiritsBadass bang teamHeater females
Hammered movementIgnited girlsMesmerizing power girlsAngel dancers
Extreme moversRising gully dancersThe power puff girlsDivine spirits
Body breakersRapid girlsPodcast girlsRolling rackets
MelodyZingBlueAeronRhythm ClassGoldenZing DanceSSQQ Dance Studio
Encore DanceThe Ballet DancerFancy JewelsDance Fitness
Midland Dance StudioFly by Night DanceSalsa SwingsAlphaZest Dance
House of MovementDance SohoDancing JewelsStraightRock Dance
Groove and GoProfessional PositionsFeel the BeatGhostbusters
DanceBliss DanceDance ManiaDance MatrixSeveral Dancers Core
Innerlight DanceFly High Dance StudioUPCrew DancerSoloCrew Dance Studio
Inspired MovementSteps StudioDance OffMadMIx Dance Studio
StyleGrid Dance StudioBallet EleganceDaring DiamondsThe Right Note
Urban Star DanceFlirty Dance StudioLet’S DanceShimmering Stars
CrescentCrewDazzling Soul Dance StudioStudio DetoxDangyDelis
In MotionDangyDang dancingDance CentralRevolution Dance Studio
GrooveBox Dance StudioDance DimensionDance AroundThe Dance Whisperer
CappaThrill DanceMajor in MotionDance ConceptsEliteArts Dance Studio
Elite MovementDancaholic ClassThe Dance ConnectionSteppin’ Time Inc.
Glowing HeatI Wanna DanceBare Feet StudioDance for Life
Purely PirouettesDingdong studioSOulBeat Dance StudioPremier Dance Academy
Glowing StarsCrazy Daisy DanceSmooth OperatorsGet Grooving
One Motion DanceDance TranceStartDust Dance StudioSassy Feet Steps
RedVibe Dance StudioDance Arts CenterCarousel Of DanceDanceRelics Dance Studio

Hip Hop Dance group names

A good team name will not only make branding easier, but it will also encourage team spirit. When it’s a hip hop dance team then the name should always be energetic and powerful. We have a list of names that best suits for hip hop dancers. 

Check out our list and get the best hip hop dance group names.

Hip Hop CentralThe Fit DancersBlasting SoulsDancing pillars
Hip ControllaThe FlashBloodline of ChristDestined To Dance
Revolution XThe FlexersBought OverFishers of Men
Rugged MovesThe HeatCatching FireFlowing Water
ScattermenThe HitmenChain-breakersFor the Cause
Sick StuntersThe LegacyChrist BearersFor The Culture
Sleek SlidersAblaze for HimChrist-ConnectedGod Gang
Star BoyzAmplified MovesChristian ChaosGrace Carriers
Tempo TerroristsBlasting for JesusDance DivineGiants of God
The Fierce KingsHip hop star teamDancing CrossesGravitated Spirits
The hip hop classVistar teamChrist hipHip replacement
StudioaholicRock Starz DanceDancing DreamDanceThriver
Showoff DanceGroove And MoveWavelady DanceMoves In Motion
Studio RelievePartners in TimeFreedom CrewPartners in Time
Liquid GoldBeat bustersDance FeverPowerhouse Dance Studio
Next Level DanceTropical Dance StudioStar DancePinkAce Dance Studio
Fame Glory PassionHook The CrookDancepirationRule The Dance Floor
Sweet DisastersEpic DanceBoogie WonderlandSmooth Moves Studio
Dance Till You DropJazz My WorldPlanet DanceFreestyle Dance Company
Studio BodyDance FactoryLeaps N BeatsEvery Step Studio
Bone CrushersStarlight DanceDancing DragonMelodyDude
Dance SmartDance SchoolRhythmic MovementFeel The Rhythm
Dance HeroineBallet CastleJoyoStyle DanceExpressions Dance
Butterfly DanceSparks & SpiritsUltimateFeet Dance StudioDancing Daisy
Dance CityDance ManeuversHip-Hop HustlersChoreography
The Dance VortexXtreme DanceJust DanceExclusive Dance Club
Dancing Stars StudioDance UniverseSaltationIllumine Dance Club
High Energy DanceDance StreamZest SpiritOn Your Toes
Dance CrazeFusion Dance StudioRazzle It Dance StudioeMotion Dance
Dance To LiveVerve GroovesDancingForceZingWays Dance Studio
Dance FocusStudio TangoBallet AcademyDance Sensations

Cool dance group names

Even if you don’t like any of these dance group names, they could serve as a motivation for your own unique team name.

PythonsSnipersThe Hit SquadThe Wow Factor
Roller RidersSolemn SensationThe RebelsTimebomb
Sick HarmonySwag DistrictThe SavagesToxic Energy
SmashedThe Flash MobThe StormWreck Effect
Vicious VillainsSnip tip teamsFar away rockersHit rockers
Vibe Dance StudioPointed Toes ClassA Lot to DanceAbility Unlimited
Brothers in ArmsBlack PanthersArt in MotionAmerican Ballet Theatre
Dance VibeDancing sparksBalance at Urbanity DanceArtisan School of Dance
Dance CenterMove and GrovesBalance Total FitnessBalance Dance Studios
Vibe Dance and FitnessDance EnthusiastBattery DanceBeats N Steps
Dance 4 FunFuture DancersBrick House DanceBreak Out Studios
Raider ZoneDancaholics ClassCity Dance Studio Inc.Cheer Thumbling Dynamics
Hip Hop CenterDanceholicsCreative Dance CenterCollective Dance
Dance PlaceSizzle and StompDance BlissCulture Shock Dance Center
Broadway Dance AcademyFeel The BeatDance CanvasDance Discovery
The Vault DanceDance for FunDance WorksDance with Me Buckhead
Dance of The NaiveStudio 18 DanceDancing DivasDancing Den Dance
Dancing AngelsDanceworkzDiva DanceDiamond Princess
Dance of LifeMove it!Epic DanceDiverse Elements Dance Studio
Ballet CollectiveRhythmic RepublicFloorlords CrewEpic Motion
Studio of The StarsAlleyAex DanceFly By Night DanceFloor Polish Dance Studio
Diamond DynastyTip Tap ToeFlyaway ProductionsFolkoholic Dance Theatre
Rhythm and DanceDancers HeartbeatGraceful MovesGotta Dance!
The Plex Dance StudioeMotion DanceHook Up Dance StudioHippy Hippy Shake
Music DimensionsBalletForteIn Motion Dance StudioImpulse Dance Company

Dance show names

We have a list of good dance group names. Thinking of participating in the latest dance show on television. Choose a name that catches everyone’s attention.

Banging BottomsBey-sciousnessFrequency FreaksJazz Jigglers
Beat BakersDirty DivasGraceful GlidersKilla Kitties
Angry BirdsDance BlastersJelly JigglersSound Psychos
BomfunkDancing CloudsHowling HolligansSpooky Steppers
Boogie BanditsFeet FeverJelly JigglersSweet and Sweaty
Boogie DancersFunky MonkeysMad for MusicThe Bombastics
Boogie DownDrunk-like moversMusic ManiacsWoozy Men
MesmerizersRhythm StudioVerve Dance studioJump and Jive
Mystic mermaidsReckless DanceTwinkle Toes StudioJazz Hands Dance studio
Motion dancerRazzle DazzleTo the point Dance studioHippy Hippy Shake
Axis Dance StudioFeet and HeelsJump and JiveJiva Performing Arts
Golden LionessesGroovyFoxMad Crew Dance StudioLoose Change Dance Collective
MotionSenseFlyTap DanceMad MomentsMad Mix Dance Studio
PurpleWind Dance StudioBlue SapphiresMove Space DanceMomentum Dance Company
The Dance WhispererFantastic MovementMovement CultureMoves and Grooves
Jammin JewelsDance UnlimitedOne Motion DanceOn Stage Dance Company
Class Act DanceGraceful MovementPartners in TimePark Cities Studios
Ability UnlimitedDancin’ SpiritProdigy Dance CompanyPro Status Cheer & Dance
UrbanAero Dance ClubDanceworks AcademyRed Glame Dance ClubRed Clay Dance Co.
DancingDen DanceShakira DanceRhythm Dance CenterRevolution Dance Studio
DanCurvesEternal Dance StudioSpark of Creation StudioSoaring Star Studio
Sparkling SapphiresHeartMelodyTap N Toe DanceSpectrum Dance Theater
Hip Hop HighEveryone Can DanceTapestry DanceSwing Junkies
RedGlame Dance ClubDansationThe Dance ComplexThe Beat Box
The Dance ClubGraceful DancersTrilogy Dance CenterThe Dance Spot
Hip Hop CityRhythm of MotionTwinkle Toes StudioTime To Tap
SkyVista Dance ClubJust DanceVibe Dance StudioUltimate Feet Dance Studio
YourSide Dance StudioCuriousCrewWave Moves Dance StudioVelocity Dance Company
Dance with MeDance & DrillWavelady DanceAxis Dance Studio
Flash danceLeaps and BeatsAll That JazzBallet East Dance

Dance group names for Boys

However, coming up with a good dance team name for boys isn’t an easy task, which is why we have brought you a list of kickass Dance Team Names to help your team find the awesome name you deserve to shine in this world.

Powerhouse DanceFunk Fusion Dance StudioSwingy PhysiqueAt the Beat
PolestarsGlam Dance StudioSoulbeatDancers Heartbeat
Pointed Toes studioFootlights Dance StudioChamp’s feetEach Beats
Move and GrovesFeet on wonderMajor in MotionKlassy Divas
Let’s DanceDancaholics studioDWM-Dance with meFire Groovers
Lights Camera DanceBop till you DropRhythmic stylePremier Dance Academy
Leaps and BeatsIllusion DanceGroovy FoxSunrise Dance Academy
Jump and JiveDropbeat Dance studioPretty swingsThe Plex Dance Studio
Jazz Hands Dance studioD evolve academyTap the FeetStretch your body boot camp
Hippy Hippy ShakeFunk FusionTap in StyleSeveral Dancers Core
Against the Grain Men in DanceAABCD Dance StudioARC School of BalletBallethnic Dance
American Contemporary BalletAREA Ignite Dance + FitnessBelly DanceBody Wrappers
Artists in MotionBackhausdanceBite Dance CompanyCentre for Dance
Ballet CollectiveBalletForteCadence CloggersCookie Joe’s Dancing School
Beauty N GraceCeltic StepsCrescent CrewDance Alley
Body Talk Dance CompanyD3 Elite DanceCurtain CallDance Connection
Chamacos Dance CompanyDance ExtremeDance EstablishmentDance Mission Studio
Continuum ContemporaryDance ForceDance from the HeartDancin’ Jazzi
Dance BagDance MakersDance XplosionDare Dream Dance
Dance ConceptsDances for a Variable PopulationDancing EdgeEcstatic Dance Evolution
Dance SensationsDanceworkzDiablo BalletEvidence Dance Company
Dancing DashDancing SplashElite Arts Dance StudioFire on the Mountain
Deeply Rooted Dance TheaterD’Ette & Co DancersEPIC CenterFootworks Studio
Double C Dance StudioeMotion DanceExpressions DanceGlobal Dance Goddess
Epiphany Dance TheaterFrame DanceFeel the BeatHeart N Soul Dance Studio
Fleek Squad DanceGolden Zing DanceFree Swing Dance LessonsIn Step
Footloose Dance CompanyHexabeat Dance ClubHappy StarInspire Dance Company
Go to Heaven Dance CompanyKinderdanceIlluzion DanceLittle Steps
Heat DanceKoa DanceInfinity Dance TheatreMajesty in Motion Dance Studio
Impulso Dance & FitnessLuminarium Dance CompanyLaunch Dance TheaterMillennium Dance


We all have awareness of the fact that dance is not just for entertainment but it equally helps us to maintain a good health. So by opening a dance academy you are not only going to attract dance lovers but also the people who want to get fit through dance. Dance classes that mainly focus on health rather than carrying proper steps or format are also known as Zumba classes. So here we come up with interesting names for Zumba classes, to make you a selection of name easier:

Chicago Fit ChicksFunk Fusion Dance StudioSwingy PhysiqueAt the Beat
Recharge fitnessGlam Dance StudioSoulbeatDancers Heartbeat
Fierce CurvesFootlights Dance StudioChamp’s feetEach Beats
Contoured WellnessFeet on wonderMajor in MotionKlassy Divas
Get Fit, MetabosDancaholics studioDWM-Dance with meFire Groovers
Balance FitnessBop till you DropRhythmic stylePremier Dance Academy
Better Your BeautiesIllusion DanceGroovy FoxSunrise Dance Academy
Extreme TransformersDropbeat Dance studioPretty swingsThe Plex Dance Studio
Metabody CompleteD evolve academyTap the FeetStretch your body boot camp
ShakedownFunk FusionTap in StyleSeveral Dancers Core
Inspired MovementLuna Tango ProductionsLava Dance Co.New Generation Dance Co.
Living Lines Dance CenterMonsoon DanceMasters Upper LevelNext Level Dance
Mad House ManagementPUSH Dance CompanyMoonlight TangoOnStage Dance Company
Minute FusionR.I.S.E. Dance CompanyPentacle Dance WorksPresidio Dance Theatre
Moving in the SpiritShimmy SistersPerceptual MotionPurple Moon Dance Project
Noble Motion DanceSimply Dance!Pure Poles FitnessRed Vibe Dance Studio
Painted Rhythm Dance CompanySincere Movement DanceRise DanceScorpius Dance Theatre
Price Performing Arts CenterSSQQ Dance StudioSensual Movement StudioStraight Rock Dance
RAW DanceStyle Grid Dance StudioSMASH DanceThe Dance Club
Refuge Dance AcademyThe Drop Dance StudioStep Up 2 DanceThe Glow Dance Company
Several Dancers CoreTippi Toes DanceStudio One Dance CenterThe Vault Dance
Spotlight Dance StudioUp Swing DanceThe Dance WhispererUnique Dance Studio
Studio ExpressVibez EnMotionThe Plex Dance StudioVision Dance and Learning
Textured Dance StudioXcite DanceUrban Move Dance ClubPink Poles Studio
The SeldomsYin He DanceUSA Elite DanceProfusion Performing Arts
Thunderstruck DanceYour Side Dance StudioInnerlight DanceRainbow Tribe
Union Street DanceZuzi Move it DanceLevel UpRoyalty Cheer & Dance
Viva Performing ArtsThe Jewel of Art DanceLights Camera DanceSteppin’ Time Inc.
World Dance Promotions Inc.Urban Star DanceMemorial Dance CenterSunrise Dance Company
Image Dance CompanyUrbanity DanceMotion SenseThe Dancehouse
Catchy Dance Studios Name Ideas


When it’s about naming a dance team, it should be chosen with a little care. It should go with your team. It doesn’t matter which dance competition you’re into if you have a perfect name that represents your team you can make wonders with it. This, choosing the right and cool, good dance group names will help you get the best win.

I am sure these names will be enough for you to decide the perfect one for your dance academies or Zumba classes. Choose a name wisely that will reflect the theme and culture of your Dance Academy. Go through all of them carefully and pick the relevant name for your dance class.

Aman Agarwal

View Comments

  • I think that some of the names are good (only 4) and the other ones are really bad. I really think that yall should step your game up and get good names. Some of the names yall have is really burning my eyes.

    P.S. Im only 12 and I think that some on e the names are bad

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