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Are you looking for a nice suitable name for your Argonian character, and finding inspiration or some cool Argonian names suggestion. Your Argonian name should matches how he/she look like ? and what role your character will play in a battle? We are sharing here a list of good Argonian names but before that let’s know what an Argonian is?


It is a reptile race in the Elder Scrolls video game series.

Argonians or Saxhleel are an interesting race of reptile people of Black Marsh. As Argonians are defending their borders from years that’s why they are experts in guerrilla warfare. They have got a natural ability to breathe under the water and developed the immunities to diseases. Argonians also have some resistance to poison. (Read Also Nacromancer Names Here)

Argonians have different names in two languages.

  1. Jel Names:- Chukka-sei is celebrated among Argonians as naming day. A Saxhleel that had successfully celebrated his Chukka-Sei, would obtain a name in the native Argonian language of Jel.
  2. Tamrielic Names:- A Tamrielic name of an Argonian can be a direct translation of his Jel name and it may be entirely different. There are two ways of obtaining Tamrielic names.

When an Argonian doesn’t pass the Chukka-Sei.

When they found there Jel name inappropriate, unpronounceable or unsuitable.



Following is the list of male Argonian names that consist of one of thirteen suffixes or prefixes.  List contains Jel names as well as Tamrielic names.

  • The thirteen main prefixes for obtaining Argonian male names are: Alex, Her, Jul, Ner, German, August, Antigon, Dioclet, Demetr, Pil, Tib, Calig, Claud
  • The thirteen main suffixes for obtaining Argonian male names are: ate, acles, andros, iar, ian, ides, ios, ius, icus,erius, os, ula, us
Artemis Macedena Axe-Fist Nimble-Fingers
Artina Macedonia Blazing-Glory One-Eye
Aphomeda Macedia Calm-Water Plucks-the-Coins
Demiana Nikrodite Chews-The-Marrow Rope-Gill
Demithea Niketera Dreams-in-Daylight Sheathed-In-Silk
Demonia Perena Eats-To-Learn Thinks-In-Gears
Hecena Peronia Fat-Walker Teeth-Like-Stars
Hecia Perithea Golden-Heart Walks-In-Ash
Heremis Tabatea Hears-the-Stone Under-Root
Judia Teremis Leaps-Over-Thistle Values-Many-Things
Judomeda Teromeda Listens-To-Sea Waters-The-Grass
Judina Tyretera Mind-of-Ice Warm-River



Skyrim is another action role-playing video game from The Elder Scrolls series. The game provides an open environment to the players, a player is free to travel anywhere in the game world. The routine quest is given in the game that a player can complete and improve the skills of his/ her character. Their characters are also called Argonians. Here are some Skyrim Argonian names: (Read Also Names That Mean Death)

Single-Word Names Hyp. Arg Names Tamrielic Names Gender
Deekus Beem-Ja Deep-In-His-Cups Male
Derkeethus Brand-Shei Scouts-Many-Marshes Male
Madesi Gajul-Lei Stand-In-Shallows Male
Neetrenaza Gulum-Ei Watches-The-Roots Male
Usha Ilas-Tei             – Male
Veezara Teeba-Ei             – Male
Deeja   – From-Deepest-Fathoms Female
Keerava   – Takes-In-Light Female
Shahvee   –           – Female
Wujeeta   –           – Female



In this blog, we are discuss about the Argonian names. Finding some amazing and interested Argonian name. We discuss in both male and female. It is a reptile race in the Elder Scrolls video game series. 

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Alexacles Herios Appraising-Spine Restless-Tail
Alexate Julius Black-Scale Scent-of-Graves
Alexos Julus Claws-The-Ghosts Slays-By-Moon
Caligate Nericus Deep-Thoughts Tames-the-Beast
Caligula Nerian Eager- To- Leave Turns-Tide
Claudius Piliar Fast-Finder Under-Clouds-Darkened
Demetrus Pilides Green-Venom-Tongue Walks-with-Pride
Demetrian Pilandros Forest-Child Wallows-Much
Germanian Tibian Honest-Feet Watcher-From-Afar
Germanius Tibicus Iron-In-Blood Yinz-Hei
Heracles Tibacles Learns-Through-Pain Yotep-Kus




Following is the list of female Argonian names that consist of one of thirteen suffixes or prefixes. List contains Jel names as well as Tamrielic names.

  • The thirteen main prefixes for obtaining Argonian male names are: Art, Aph, Ath, Dem, Her, Hec, Maced, Jud, Nik, Per, Tab, Tyr, Ter
  • The thirteen main suffixes for obtaining Argonian male names are: atea, emis, etera, ena, ina, icla, iana, ithea, ia, osyna, onia, omeda, rodite
Artemis Macedena Axe-Fist Nimble-Fingers
Artina Macedonia Blazing-Glory One-Eye
Aphomeda Macedia Calm-Water Plucks-the-Coins
Demiana Nikrodite Chews-The-Marrow Rope-Gill
Demithea Niketera Dreams-in-Daylight Sheathed-In-Silk
Demonia Perena Eats-To-Learn Thinks-In-Gears
Hecena Peronia Fat-Walker Teeth-Like-Stars
Hecia Perithea Golden-Heart Walks-In-Ash
Heremis Tabatea Hears-the-Stone Under-Root
Judia Teremis Leaps-Over-Thistle Values-Many-Things
Judomeda Teromeda Listens-To-Sea Waters-The-Grass
Judina Tyretera Mind-of-Ice Warm-River



Skyrim is another action role-playing video game from The Elder Scrolls series. The game provides an open environment to the players, a player is free to travel anywhere in the game world. The routine quest is given in the game that a player can complete and improve the skills of his/ her character. Their characters are also called Argonians. Here are some Skyrim Argonian names: (Read Also Names That Mean Death)

Single-Word Names Hyp. Arg Names Tamrielic Names Gender
Deekus Beem-Ja Deep-In-His-Cups Male
Derkeethus Brand-Shei Scouts-Many-Marshes Male
Madesi Gajul-Lei Stand-In-Shallows Male
Neetrenaza Gulum-Ei Watches-The-Roots Male
Usha Ilas-Tei             – Male
Veezara Teeba-Ei             – Male
Deeja   – From-Deepest-Fathoms Female
Keerava   – Takes-In-Light Female
Shahvee   –           – Female
Wujeeta   –           – Female



In this blog, we are discuss about the Argonian names. Finding some amazing and interested Argonian name. We discuss in both male and female. It is a reptile race in the Elder Scrolls video game series. 

Also Read:

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Popular Nord Name
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Powerful Aztec Names With Meaning
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Aman Agarwal

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