Imp Names
Imp means a friend in the context of folklore and folklore and superstition. They look small, Imp Names very mischievous, and evil. These are initially found in German folklore.
These are uncontrollable, free-spirited creatures. Sometimes they portray themselves as God’s attendants and wild fairies. Sometimes they pray pranks on the humans to gain friendship and attention.
Some Imps like gargoyles are found in architectural structures across the world. They also stand as world-famous art forms, included in the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales.
To find some good imp names you can take inspiration from evil names, names of various types of demons, trickster God names, or imp names from games such as World Of Warcraft and ‘Dungeons And Dragons’.
If you wanna name your imp character and looking for some creative and attractive names, here is the list of names.
Here is the list of famous imp names for your characters.
Kiarjob | Rakhai | Zreerbeb | Cyiap | Grop |
Zairloc | Cribjiuq | Dip | Yur | Zibjel |
Bigni | Yal | Ignium | Abbek | Jegmaas |
Logfor | Tyup | Aknec | Der | Jobki |
Igbiq | Chul | Qaknaim | Zrain | Gnignaan |
Grup | Tan | Xil | Yar | Yuprab |
Crukmot | Trac | Szal | Zren | Nupha |
Gnox | Trogfu | Tippet | Trel | Cyoklil |
Zen | Lublit | Drabqaz | Treer | Driuq |
Tyip | Zrium | Xiz | Shippor | Airlol |
Nikkel | Eerbex | Kuphun | Xiurkol | Obkik |
Toltur | Zit | Var | Tem | Tebrap |
Bebre | Yer | Zraim | Xic | Viul |
Aglor | Qrac | Xekro | Igbul | Diac |
Yaglon | Qrelpe | Akhob | Qaarmoc | Xabbi |
Xopqux | Viq | Zrairlaiz | Rium | Szuc |
Cyoq | Gekjac | Rebro | Kyat | Yaax |
Tilbun | Trukmat | Drim | Jepnas | Bekraz |
Drugha | Vaz | Airliub | Cyap | Zaarmec |
Bukmus | Diur | Kalnaz | Dut | Vebhis |
Check More: Best Wizard Names
If you are looking for imp names for your female characters in your story. Here are some names that you can take inspiration from.
Xup | Xegmik | Rul | Niarjiq | Craglo |
Balnet | Veq | Ten | Tyum | grol |
Dreq | Zrer | Kyic | Crax | aarmot |
Noljot | Kiarjos | Zuphap | Talnom | xin |
Cyen | Criarjaam | Apkop | Tac | zriap |
Gnaam | Grim | Tyiar | Zaq | shairli |
Zreep | Qopqe | Vilron | Gekrab | grobkes |
Loljiz | ublaz | Grullais | Keerba | qreq |
Zrupha | kroklob | Zep | Qebreez | szut |
Krop | dril | zrapkit | Zroq | kruz |
Gnoljeel | pakhee | babbi | Ebhib | grignic |
Xox | uprin | krur | Vairluz | krom |
Trux | qralno | crip | Delpun | gruz |
Drobki | zrup | xoz | Zrukmob | zrukbem |
Kyaknun | cyix | xex | zrippo | ekjet |
Kippuz | kraarmo | doltob | chom | gigbel |
Kebhiz | kyaglac | trogri | graap | lairlaiz |
Szex | eerbaat | akhat | yukbut | zrakha |
Oltez | rebru | kekri | yekri | vec |
Rax | dar | cyol | aglax | xeel |
Imp Names Generator
If you are looking for unique and creative imp names for your character, here are some names suggested by name generators.
Drublum | ran | xix | kyapkan | ippan |
Ilreb | toltab | tyograi | drelpa | griut |
Vit | airlat | poljaa | crubla | alnar |
Yughux | vikkum | jibjak | shebheex | drel |
Chat | gret | ebhol | nelpet | dal |
Kyel | uprim | dop | grairlux | rikka |
Abbiq | qrez | kyep | xum | shilra |
Chiurki | kyaarmu | akhac | oltik | gnup |
Yum | zralner | vir | traz | negme |
Shegmaz | qrogfa | cyec | daar | tyogfaa |
Gnabbiam | chukmak | xit | tyum | duz |
Libje | dol | rup | ziurkip | epnib |
Igbaq | tukmer | sziat | zrilbas | zagluk |
Kregmom | tol | chix | dreez | lilbiq |
Cyibjai | drec | giurkos | tyoltiam | qroltek |
Veerbob | gralnuc | gnuphe | qrilru | kyalnet |
Aglak | gnukmel | cyukbuk | tyabqeel | niurkax |
Krogfut | gnex | lalnul | zux | tribje |
Xiux | ekjuk | zrikket | tyekret | shebhab |
Chuprib | lekro | rapkap | dreem | chaknaan |
wow imp names
Here are some catchy imp names.
Pupriq | choc | grairli | abqak | lalnon |
Akhoc | gnam | yuphac | tyup | tralnem |
Drel | gapkux | qropqub | yup | kyaiz |
Krabqil | ilbeq | kyoljap | truprik | zrum |
Zrekrir | gruphum | zuc | aknuz | zeq |
Cregmi | iurken | ralniur | egmix | yan |
Dropqaiz | zaglic | gnoljeek | cyalnia | gnobkok |
Qrigbil | kyelpin | abqiul | qrughoc | yir |
Alnuz | vebris | uphon | zix | zrial |
Krilbo | krez | dral | kraz | xilbob |
Cyem | dolto | airles | croc | lekruc |
Lebhu | nabqee | abbic | laknu | criz |
Diurkix | ekjair | gnut | grakhoz | gnabbu |
Bobkaq | draglu | yignel | zraq | cyoq |
Krial | oljur | driurkis | gnac | iurkox |
tyublic | ughex | vippo | zabqaar | tyel |
qrop | kyikkik | trem | gnoc | zreez |
treerbir | zilrul | szoz | uphut | Physical Imp |
griq | shignut | opqip | tyaap | Nurse Imp |
degme | vix | ilbuq | gnar | Fortify Imp |
Imp Characters names
Here are some of the creative imp names for your characters. You can take inspiration from the list.
viq | zet | krir | trac | Imptastic |
qriurkut | krekriu | piurkal | szip | Impzen |
gropqob | Cleanse Imp | abqiz | vogfep | Imphut |
chukmia | Enhanced Imp | zer | qrem | Virtue Imp |
chekrun | Haven Imp | Impwind | kyekje | Impology |
tyet | Health Imp | Defender Imp | ullok | Young Imp |
gror | Evolution Imp | Edge Imp | Ensure Imp | Functional Imp |
yaknet | Pathway Imp | Wellness Imp | Support Imp | Impjet |
Tyrion Lannister | Aid Imp | Superior Imp | Hardy Imp | Sound Imp |
koklab | People Imp | Connect Imp | Elevate Imp | Impopolis |
cyon | Fresh Imp | Shield Imp | Sharpen Imp | Younger Imp |
ekron | Impbia | Bio Imp | Sense Imp | Invincible Imp |
qikkin | Insight Imp | Rescue Imp | Heal Imp | Impsy |
pilbiaz | Rediscover Imp | Impnest | Endure Imp | Nourish Imp |
chon | Healing Imp | Progressive Imp | Mindful Imp | Impex |
jukbak | Progress Imp | Lifestyle Imp | Real Imp | Guide Imp |
chaz | Impprism | Impverse | Vital Imp | Impado |
grit | Live Imp | Supreme Imp | Imporama | Connection Imp |
kegmu | Thrive Imp | Raw Imp | Genic Imp | Impzilla |
kelpa | Naturo Imp | Harmony Imp | Path Imp | Quality Imp |
Here are the best imp demon names for you.
kyor | Imparc | Way Imp | Impbea | Impnetic |
xupri | Detox Imp | Joint Imp | Habit Imp | Ague Imp |
aarmam | Ease Imp | Natural Imp | Fulfil Imp | Way Imp |
troz | Vitamin Imp | Enhance Imp | Youth Imp | Archive Imp |
ukmuk | Examine Imp | Start Imp | Soul Imp | Core Imp |
pegmo | Impable | Motivate Imp | Plan Imp | Younger Imp |
iurkex | Fulfil Imp | Viva Imp | Welfare Imp | Real Imp |
dekran | Energise Imp | Ward Imp | Paramount Imp | Raw Imp |
ekraix | Answer Imp | Aid Imp | Good Imp | Vitality Imp |
kyiarjom | Body Imp | Answers Imp | Active Imp | Genic Imp |
qran | Fortify Imp | Connection Imp | Invincible Imp | Apex Imp |
tuble | Connect Imp | After Imp | Essential Imp | Anywhere Imp |
rekjik | All-Star Imp | Physical Imp | Well Imp | Ammo Imp |
qrot | Bulk Imp | Angel Imp | Micro Imp | Guru Imp |
cyupri | Ace Imp | Alpha Imp | Harmony Imp | Stream Imp |
obkum | Sound Imp | Plan Imp | About Imp | Paramount Imp |
joklar | Pathway Imp | Allure Imp | Aqua Imp | Path Imp |
zip | Hardy Imp | Alliance Imp | Aegis Imp | Cleanse Imp |
grelpom | Utopia Imp | Ality Imp | Revolution Imp | Absolute Imp |
kyelpoc | Progressive Imp | Agents Imp | Start Imp | Article Imp |
You can create imp names taking inspiration from various factors. Here are some names inspired by mythology.
Here are some of the best imp creature names that may inspire you-
zret | Ahead Imp | Agile Imp | Wellness Imp | Archives Imp |
tyix | Essence Imp | Advisor Imp | Virtue Imp | Articles Imp |
nogfos | Refresh Imp | Anytime Imp | Superior Imp | Endure Imp |
kyum | Design Imp | Healing Imp | Prosper Imp | Enhance Imp |
szor | Youth Imp | Accelerate Imp | Action Imp | Bliss Imp |
tebrut | Vitamin Imp | Active Imp | Prime Imp | City Imp |
chaan | Arid Imp | Vita Imp | Boost Imp | Collector Imp |
Aver Imp | Aim Imp | Ease Imp | Ark Imp | Bard Imp |
Champion Imp | Argent Imp | Protect Imp | Stable Imp | Bliss Imp |
Browse Imp | Journey Imp | Clever Imp | Sharp Imp | Bench Imp |
Beyond Imp | Axis Imp | Vital Imp | Anything Imp | Bloom Imp |
Aura Imp | Chimp Imp | Edge Imp | Balance Imp | Boost Imp |
Busk Imp | Aware Imp | Clever Imp | Akin Imp | Bold Imp |
Brokers Imp | Classic Imp | Cent Imp | Relieve Imp | Bureau Imp |
Century Imp | Blaster Imp | Cavil Imp | Faro Imp | Axen Imp |
Campaign Imp | Claw Imp | Catalyst Imp | Edge Imp | Beast Imp |
Begin Imp | Cities Imp | Case Imp | Exciting Imp | Avatar Imp |
Awry Imp | Chart Imp | Bow Imp | Crafter Imp | Cache Imp |
Centers Imp | Clubs Imp | Camo Imp | Earnings Imp | Aurora Imp |
Basement Imp | Collective Imp | Check Imp | Daub Imp | Boards Imp |
Here are some cool imp names for your characters.
Azure Imp | Clutch Imp | Bucks Imp | Craft Imp | Certified Imp |
Collection Imp | Bytes Imp | Capitol Imp | Cost Imp | Atto Imp |
Capital Imp | Choice Imp | Caster Imp | Experts Imp | Born Imp |
Centric Imp | Charm Imp | Awards Imp | Faux Imp | Cloud Imp |
Checker Imp | Asset Imp | Blessed Imp | Energy Imp | Bonus Imp |
Balance Imp | Buyer Imp | Clone Imp | Fast Imp | Blink Imp |
Brig Imp | Bevy Imp | Charter Imp | Emotion Imp | Attic Imp |
Browser Imp | Channels Imp | Calculator Imp | Core Imp | Benefits Imp |
Bargains Imp | Box Imp | Collections Imp | Favorite Imp | Circles Imp |
Catcher Imp | Best Imp | Brite Imp | Dash Imp | Huge Imp |
Care Imp | Butterfly Imp | Blox Imp | Factor Imp | Gulf Imp |
Finds Imp | Buster Imp | Buys Imp | Cygen Imp | Herb Imp |
Doozy Imp | Breezy Imp | Charts Imp | Director Imp | Gawk Imp |
Efficiency Imp | Ave Imp | Atlas Imp | Earth Imp | Kilo Imp |
Exotic Imp | Feature Imp | Boss Imp | Doup Imp | Ideas Imp |
Dept Imp | Dollar Imp | Collect Imp | Direct Imp | Instant Imp |
Crossover Imp | Finders Imp | Dart Imp | Elite Imp | Hunter Imp |
Den Imp | Delta Imp | Dreaming Imp | Empire Imp | Gator Imp |
Crown Imp | Digest Imp | Fans Imp | Indy Imp | Global Imp |
Crimson Imp | Designs Imp | Control Imp | Hometown Imp | Gap Imp |
1.What are some good demon names?
Here are some good demon names.
2. What should I name my character?
While searching for a good name, you can take inspiration from various sources, including novels, movies, book series, and comics.
While trying to create a new name, keep it short and simple. It should be easy to memorize, then the character will be attracted to your audience. Generally people avoid dwarf names which are difficult to memorize and spell. If you are looking for some cool and fantasy names, then you can take inspiration from nature, culture, religion, psychological beliefs, and mythology.
Here are some good names for your character-
3. What does imp look like?
Imps are very small, bony, and unattractive characters. They are picturized as funny creatures with oversized ears, horns sprout from their heads,bat-like wings sprout from their shoulders. They are described as wild and uncontrollable.
4. How are imps created?
Imp is evoked for a magical purpose. Imp can take shape of an animal, insect, or bird. Their creation is described in various ways in different parts of the world.
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