Categories: Baby Name

61+ Best Galaxy Names For Baby [With Meaning]

A few days earlier, I and my friends were discussing galaxy names as one of our friends have named her child based on a galaxy name. Although many of her relatives found it weird I found it a unique concept. We have discussed it and the names of astronomy like how they are named, what are the meanings of the names and many other factors. 

There are various Catalogs where galaxy names are listed such as Messier Catalog, NGC or “New General Catalog”, PGC or “Principle Galaxy Catalog”, UGC or “Uppsala General Catalog” and more.

These things have brought a lot of interest in me thus I decided to write an article. Many people or parents want to name their children galaxy names. These kinds of articles can help to pick an appropriate name based on meaning. 

Galaxy namesDesignationsConstellationsName meaning
Andromeda M31, PGC 2557 and UGC 454Andromeda This is an astronomical name which is also the name of King Ethiopia. Andromeda later becomes the queen of Greece by marrying Perseus.
Butterfly NGC 4567 & 4568, UGC 7776 & 7777, PGC 42064 & 42069Virgo It looks like wings of a butterfly. longs to binary galaxy which seems like a
Cartwheel PGC 2248Sculptor It seems like a Cartwheel
Eye of Sauron NGC 4151, UGC 7166, and PGC 38739Canes Venatici In the lord of Rings, it seems like a Sauron
Fireworks galaxy NGC 6946, UGC 11597, PGC 65001 Cygnus It is intensely bright and colourful
Hockey stick galaxy UGC 7907, PGC 42863 Canes VenaticiIt seems like a Hockey stick and it is assumed to be a combination of three galaxies
Large Magellanic cloud ESO 56- G 115, PGC 17223Dorado It is named after Magellan
Little sombrero galaxy NGC 7814, UGC 8, and PGC 218Pegasus Although it seems like a sombrero but it is smaller tham sombrero galaxy
Malin 1 PGC 42102, LEDA 42102, and VPC 1091 Coma Berenices It is named after its discoverer David Marlin
Medusa Merger NGC 4194, UGC 7241, and PGC 39068 Ursa Major It is named after the name of Greek snake Medusa
Mice galaxies NGC 4676, UGC 7938 / 7939, PGC 43062 / 43065Coma BerenicesIt is named because two galaxies have tails which look like a mouse’s tail
Milky way It is looked like a band of light
Needle NGC 4565, UGC 7772, PGC 42038Coma Berenices It is named because of its thin appearance
Wolf-Lundmark Melotte UGC 444 and PGC 143Cetus it is named based on the name of its co-discoverer
Pinwheel galaxy M101, NGC 5457, UGC 8981, PGC 50063Ursa MajorIt seems like a paper Pinwheel
Sculptor galaxy NGC 253, UGCA 13, PGC 2789Sculptor It is named because of its location in the Sculptor constellation
Sunflower galaxy M63, NGC 5055, PGC 46153, UGC 8334Canes VenaticiIt is named because of its structure like a sunflower
Tadpole galaxy UGC 10214, Arp 188, and PGC 57129Draco It is named due to its long tail-like tadpole
Triangulam galaxy NGC 0598, PGC 57129, and UGC 1117 TriangulamIt is situated in Triangulam constellation
Whirlpool galaxy M51a, NGC 5194, UGC 8493, PGC 47404Canes Venatici It is named because of its looks like a whirlpool

Names Of The Galaxy For Girls From A-K

Many parents want to name their children galaxy names. Are you one of them? If yes, then you don’t need to go anywhere as I have brought some names with their meanings so that it can be easy for you to select the appropriate one for your baby girl. 

Aelia – It is the name of the galaxy which is given by Greek and denotes “Sun”tem
Adhara – It is the name of astronomy and Adhara is the second largest star in the constellation named “Canis Major”
Ariel – It is the name of astronomy and Ariel is the moon of Uranus. 
Astra – It is the name of astronomy and the Greek meaning of the name is star. 
Aurora – It is the name of astronomy and the Latin meaning of Aurora is “Dawn” while in Roman Methodology Aurora is the goddess of dawn. 
Bianca – It is the moon of Uranus and the Italian meaning of the name is White. 
Celeste – It is a French as well as an Italian name which is “Of the Sky, Heavenly”
Cordelia – It is the name of astronomy and Cordelia is one of the moons of Uranus. 
Donati – The astronomical name refers to a long-period comet 
Deimos – Deimos is the name of one of the moon of Mars. 
Elara – It is the name of astronomy and Elara is one of the moons of Jupiter. 
Helia – Although it is the name of a galaxy in Greek methodology it is one of the Heliades and daughter of the sun god Helios. 
Iikay – It is a Turkish name which has a special affinity with moon. On the other hand, “Iik” menans the first while “ay” represents Moon. 
Koray – It is an astronomical name given by Turkeys which represents “eEmber Moon” 

Galaxy Names For Girls From L-Z

I found that many people want to name their child based on the galaxy name and the meaning of the name. I thought to create a list of names of girls whose lucky alphabets are between L-Z. You don’t need to anywhere to search for the meanings of names as I have given names with meanings. 

Libra – It is the name of astronomy and the name denotes a shaped constellation which looks like measuring scales  
Luna – It is the name of astronomy and in Italian and Spanish meaning of the name is Moon. 
Lyra – The name is given based on the constellation which is contained by star Vega in the northern sky 
Miranda – It is the name of astronomy and it is one of the moons of Uranus 
Nashira – The name Nashira denotes the brightest star in the constellation of Capricornus. 
Ophelia – The name Ophelia is another moon of Uranus 
Phoebe – It is one of the moons of Saturn and in Greek mythology, the titan is associated with the name 
Portia – It is one of the moons of Uranus 
Titania – It is one of the moons of Uranus 
Stella – The Italian meaning of Stella is the star 
Venus – Venus is considered the second planet from Sun and in Roman Mythology the name denotes goddess of love and sex. 

Galaxy Names For Boys From A-I

If you are a searcher of baby boys’ names based on astronomical names between A-I with a beautiful meaning then you are at the right place. You can choose a name according to your choice. 

Aloith – It is an astronomical name which is a traditional name of star Eplison Ursae Majoris in the constellation named “Ursa Major”
Altair – It is an astronomical name which is a star of a constellation named “Aquila” 
Astrophel – It is an astronomical name and the Greek meaning of the name of star lover. 
Aries – It is an astronomical name which is a constellation 
Atlas – In Greek mythology, the name is associated with the incident in which a Titan was punished by Zeus for being forced to support heaven. 
Castor – It is an astronomical name which denotes a star in the Gemini constellation 
Cosmo – The name in English and Italian is referred to the universe. 
Cosmos – The name in English and Italian is referred to the universe.
Cupid – It is an astronomical name and in Roman mythology, it is a son of Venus and Mars 
Deimos – It is one of the moons of Mars 
Izar – It is an astronomical name which means star. 

Galaxy Names For Boys From J-Z

Are you tired of finding names for your baby boy but did not find a meaningful name? Then don’t worry I have found several names with meaning that can help you to choose the night one for your kid. 

Janus – It is one of the moons of Saturn 
Jupiter – The name Jupiter denotes the largest gas giant in our solar system
Kuiper – According to astronomers it is a belt of asteroids in the solar system 
Leo – Leo is the name of the constellation 
Mercury – It is the name of the galaxy and the first planet from the Sun. according to Roman Mythology, it is the “god of trade, merchants, and travellers” 
Mars – It is considered to be the third planet from Sun. In roman Mythology, the name denotes “god of war” 
Orion – In Greek mythology, it is a constellation and the name of the galaxy arrived from a legendary Greek hunter 
Phoenix – It is a constellation name and according to Greek mythology, the creature is consumed by fire and rises from its ashes every 500 years. 
Rigel – It is the name of a star which is formed from the least foot of the constellation 
Sirius – It is considered to be the brightest star in the Canis Major constellation 
Titan – It is the name of Saturn’s largest moon 
Taurus – It is the constellation of the Zodiac 
Vulcan – It is the name of a small hypothetical planet which is situated between Mercury and the Sun 

Gender-Neutral Galaxy Names

Many people want the names of twin babies but don’t get an appropriate name. On the other hand, the new generation has got interested in astronomy and wants to name their child’s name on galaxies’ names. Thus I decided to separate this part for neutral names. 

Eris – It is the dwarf of a planet and in Greek mythology, it is considered to be a “goddess of discord”
Neptune – Neptune is considered to be the eighth and the final planet in our solar system 
Sky – In English meaning it denotes “sky” 
Nova – The astronomical name is the reference to Supernova which is a staller explosion
Thebe – It is the name of one of the moons of Jupiter 

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Shashank Jain

Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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