Categories: Names

List of Funny iPhone Nick Names

It is a blissful experience when you unbox any of your Apple devices for the first time. Even if you possess several other Apple gadgets too, but a new one always gets special attention.  The Apple devices uplift the owners in such a way that they prefer to video capture it while taking 

it out of the package, captioning “Unboxing My Apple I-phone X” or whatever may be the gadget generation. For the very first time when you turn your apple device on, you are asked to enter iPhone nicknames of your choice.Funny Iphone Nick Names

Where some people casually name it after their own name, some owners try to express their proprietorship on the tiny shiny innovative device, by just adding their first name before the device like “Pooja’s I-phone”. Sometimes you or other people tickle your inner creative corner to get funny names for your phone or other apple device and which turns out to be more than just hilarious as hell every so often.


Adding a nickname to your I-phone is super easy, when you switch on the apple device you will get a screen asking you to put a name to call your device. Now how to add nicknames to i-phone is a question. Well, you may prefer various techniques to get a good name for I-phone. For example, you may choose funny movie characters from any Hollywood movie, may use the technique of the way many movies name their script after, and you may even choose to be romantic as apple implies romance too. Let us check few funny iphone nicknames to take from and the reasons behind naming so.

Funny Names For Your iPhone:

If you have just bought an iPhone then you obviously need some ideas on the nickname by which Siri is going to call you. Siri will not actually call you by your device name by yo need to set a nickname. Most often people try to set a name that is super funny but honestly, you should also try something that will be funny yet great. However, you might chcek out our collection and we really have some Funny Phone Names idea. Let’s chcek out! 

Adam’s Viagra The real iPhone
Aladdin The genie The Apple tale
Angels Eyeballs The Apple of my Eye
Apple Custard Don’t Apple-Y Me
Apple Phonies My Dog’s Snout
Apple Saga Detective Apple
Arjun The winner Cripps Pink
Autumn Glory Don’t touch it
Bloody Ploughman The Cameo
Brutus Device Bunch of Apple
Aladdin; The genie Lavish Phone America’s Apple That’ expensive
Angels Eyeballs Precious Pick American iPhone Expensive iPhone
Abnormal Always Just Expensive Apple Grenade iPhone is back.
Afterlife Awakes It’s a treasure Apple of Metal Aladdin’s iPhone
Anaconda Cells Awesome iPhone My Apple Wand Always an iPhone
Apple Bottom Jeans Cloudy Bunch of iPhones An expensive piece of shit.
Baby Doodles It’s Steve’s Captain Apples Annoying little Gadget
Bacon Lover iPhone is an iPhone Einstein’s Apple Baldwin
Bad Karma High on Price Golden Apple Cripps Pink iPhone
Balls Squeezer Apples are high Golden Boy Genie is finally here
Batman in Jail High on iPhone Gravity Glockenspiel
Bloody Mary Stud-Muffin Half-Eaten Apple I am Batman
Bonny Lass The American Mother I am Apple I have an apple
Bored Banana The Apple of my Eye I have an iPhone It is Pricy
Butt Alive The Apple tale Iron Apple It’s a bloody iPhone
Chili Mango The Nipple Iron iPhone Leathery Coat

Clever iPhone Names:

The way of How To Make Nicknames On the iPhone is quite easier and you should not worry about it. But, you really need to set a good name otherwise you will be embarrassed in front of people when Siri will call you and that’s absolutely not done. So, you must be looking for some names that are not only great but cleaver as well. Well, if you think that you are clever enough then you should definitely choose a nickname accordingly. We have got some great names for you. Let’s chcek out!

The return of the iPhone How’s it going?
Tim’s Winnfield Chew Burka
Tina Crab Apple Fuji my life
The Tricolor Hey, my doll
Waken Pippin Winter stein
Don’t Touch My Cell Steve My Drona
Donald’s Chuck Mister Apple
Hey, Doodle Your McIntosh
H-Apple-Y Ever After Lady Alice
Hello Blondie iPhone wanted
Chocolate Bath The real iPhone It is a fruit. Magical
Couch Potato The return of iPhone It’s an iPhone Murdered by Money
Country Fried Tim’s Winnfield It’s just an expensive fruit New Year, New iPhone
Dairy Queen Tina Crab Apple Mister and Misses iPhone Siri’s phone
Dead Kit Kat The Tricolor Money spent well. Stark Industries
Dino Nuggets Tiedemann My Apple Tydeman
Fat Salad Winter stein Saga of Apple Don’t Touch My Cell Steve
Funny Thugs Waken Pippin Smells like an apple. Donald’s Chuck
George Bush My Kiki That’s a big appl Hey, Doodle
Google Head Fuji my life That’s too much. Glockenspiel
Green Crack Hey, my doll Thoughts of apple H-Apple-Y Ever After
Hot Popcorn Spark Pug iPhone’s Eyeballs Have a bite
House Raid Chew Burka Bloody Apple Hello Blondie
Hungry Pack How’s it going? Apple Doll Honeycrisp
I Paid iPad Champagne baby Apple Nipple I have a Phone
I’m Blue Clit Commander Get Off My iPhone iPhone wanted

Cool iPhone Names:

Are you looking for some cool yet amazing names? Well, after buying an iPhone I also found a lot for some cool names that I can use as the nickname of my iPhone, and of course, you must be finding for one as well. We have your back and we are not at all going to make it tough for you as we only have chosen the name that will woo you. And you can choose any name of your choice from the below list. Let’s chcek it out! 

Funny Iphone Nick Names
My Smitten Apple Black Death
Razor Russet BadBoy Phone
Sherlock Phone Bloodfang the Destroyer
Side Ch.-Apple The Communicator
Stark’s Earliest Money Sucker
Apple “the EyePhone” Hot Sex On A Platter
Captain Apple Tony Montana
Charlie Rose Gold The Terminator
Gordon Gekko The Apple Fever
Harry’s Apple Wand Jazzy Fruit
I’m Dumbest Electric LETTUCE Height of Ego I-Phone-A
Insta Born Gimpybutt’s iPad iPhone Ego Lady Alice
Itchy Blonde iPhone is coming iPhone Humming Leather Coat
Junk Juice Maggot Brain Apple Cookies McGruff
Killer Karma Metal gear rex Bad Boyiezz Your McIntosh
Kim Chi Money Sucker Fruit Razor Mine-Apple
Mad Max! My iPad Bitch!! Metal Wizard Mister Apple
Mary Jane Pimp Juice’s iPad Swizzle Stick My Apple Forever
Miss Piggy Pocket Pussy Down Throat My Drona
Morning Blond Polly the Vampire Saviour Harry Pothead My Smitten Apple
Nameless Child That’s A Very Big iPhone Taylor Swiftstalker My treasure
Netflix Nerd The Murder Wizard Enter the Dragon One & Only
Organic Apple The Pimp Ipizzle Handsome Cellphone No.1
Panini Head Too much information Sugar Dimples Puritan
Passing Cloud Vampire-Bella iPod Marshmallow Razor Russet
Popsicle Sucker Zoltron’s iPad Bumblebee Rosebud

iPhone Name Ideas:

If you are looking for some name ideas for your iPhone then you will not have to look further and we will bring you the best. However, we also have found a lot and there are actually so many names and they are amazing as well. So, we end up being confused but anyway, finally we have got some Good iPhone Names for you and you can literally choose whatever you like without any hassle. 

Maggot Brain Metal gear rex
Zombie’s iPad Champagne baby
Clit Commander Electric LETTUCE
The Pimp Ipizzle iPhone is coming
That’s A Very Big iPhone Money Sucker
Pocket Pussy Too much information
Gimpybutt’s iPad The Murder Wizard
My iPad Bitch!! Zoltron’s iPad
Pimp Juice’s iPad Polly the Vampire Saviour
Don’t F*ck It Up Vampire-Bella iPod
Public Hugs Zombie’s iPad Apple “the EyePhone” Sherlock Phone
Quarantine Annoying Little Bastard Captain Apple Side Ch.-Apple
Queen Bee Battery-Buster Charlie Rose Gold Hey, Spartan
Since Google Girls Are Gone Gordon Gekko Stark’s Earliest
Sofa Kiddos Hack Me Harry’s Apple Wand It’s Me Loading
Squirrel Kids Hep, I’m trapped Jazzy Fruit Searching? Not Found.
This Name Sucks Hit the Road Jack Input Ninotchka Keep Distance Please
Tiger’s Eye House Lannister Rambo 1 Airdrop 2 Girls
Tipsy Chicken House of Black Shredder 100 Times Denied
Tripin’ Beat IED Booby-Trap The Apple Fever 301 Redirected
Willy Wonka Mobile Communication The Terminator Connected To CBI
Zero Tolerance Mobile Moan Thor It Hurts Connecting…
Zombie Time Net Media Tony Montana Loading… Airdrop
Anonymous Ringy-Thingy Apple Pimp Own Damn! Airdrop
Apple Custard Sheep Shagging Camera Bruce Wayne Password Is Smile
Apple Phonies Street Phone Expensive-Einstien Airdrop Is Now Wired

Nicknames For Phones:

If you are still wondering, What To Name Your iPhone then you should not worry at all. We have already given you a hell lot of names that you can choose from and you can choose one from them. However, if you think that you did not like any name that much yet then we will be sharing more names with you. You may choose a name that will match your personality or vibe so that you can relate every time Siri calls you by that name. Let’s chcek out the names below 

Street Phone Hack Me
Docteur Sim Girls Are Gone
Mobile Communication House Lannister
Net Media Hep, I’m trapped
Mobile Moan Hit The Road Jack Input
Ringy-Thingy House of Black
Annoying Little Bastard Sheep Shagging Camera
Battery-Buster IED Booby-Trap
Chattermatter The Porn Horn
Facebollox Tor Thunderwanger’s Phone
Arjun; The winner A gadget with the letter I Finally an iPhone Connect Please…
Autumn Glory A little too much Honeycrisp Girl Next Door
Baldwin Apple Device I am Rich Airdrop For Sale
Bloody Ploughman Better have some money I got the iPhone Airdrop Likes You!
Brutus Device Bought a fruit Iron Man Airdrop Uncensored
Bunch of Apple Bought a Mansion It’s a Bomb Come To My Bedroom
The Cameo CEO of Expensive Just a box of apple Connect To Life
Don’t touch it Digital Apple Just a pretty face. Drop it Like Airdrop
Cripps Pink Don’t touch it Mcintosh Feeling You’re Nearby
Detective Apple Done with cheap. Puritan Get My Beer!
Dimple Girl Expensive Element Rambo I’m Behind Curtains
My Dog’s Snout Expensive than your ego Regretted it. Incoming Viruses
Don’t Apple-Y Me Extra-Costly Showoff Landing On Airdrop
Half-Eaten Apple Fruit Bucket Shredder NASA Connecting…
It’s an iPhone Fruit that starts with I Terminator Not Airdrop Accessed
Saga of Apple Go get an iPhone Thor’s Apple Please Proceed…

Guide On: Top 20+ Names That Mean Happy For Boys & Girls

When You Handle Your I-Phone Romantically

The Apple of my Eye
My Apple Forever
Lady Alice
My Smitten Apple
Hello Blondie
Apple Custard
Angels Eyeballs
One & Only
My treasure
Appley Bappley
Bunch of Apple
The Apple tale
Apple Saga
The ni-pple
Apple Grenade High on Cost Winterstein Airdrop Saved You!
Bunch of iPhones I look rich now That’ expensive Airdrop Needed
Apple Cameo It’s a Pinata Expensive iPhone Under Surveillance
Mister and Misses iPhone It’s not cheap iPhone is back. Wanted IQ Level
Thoughts of apple It’s only expensive Murdered by Money Airdrop Humming
Golden Boy King T’Challa It is Pricy Airdrop Not Wifi
Golden Apple Money’s all gone Annoying little Gadget Good Mood Connecting…
My Apple Not a Samsung Magical You’re In My Brain
Iron Apple Over the Odds Siri’s phone On A Skyscraper
Iron iPhone Paid for a talking fruit Always an iPhone I Am Pregnant
America’s Apple Siri is expensive New Year, New iPhone I Love Nutella
American iPhone Sweet and Fruity Leathery Coat Airdrop Problems
Smells like an apple. Talking Apple Genie is finally here Airdrop! Any Problem?
Captain Apples This fruit is expensive I have an apple Wait! Until I Airdrop
Apple Phobia Too expensive for you Aladdin’s iPhone Airdrop For Free
Apple Wand Too good for you Cripps Pink iPhone Airdrop Your Soul

When The Owner Gets Confused Between His Pet And The Device

  • Spartan
  • Razor Russet
  • Wyken Pippin
  • The American Mother
  • Anonymous
  • Don’t Touch My Phone Steve
  • H-Apple-Y Ever After
  • Adam’s Viagra
  • Tim’s Winnfield
  • Detective Apple
  • Donald’s Chuck
  • Steve’s Job
  • Side Ch-Apple
  • Sherlock Phone
  • Brutus
  • McGruff
  • Big Balls
  • Doodle
  • Mister Apple
  • Have a bite

Guide On: 399+ Creative Bible Study Group Names

When The Owner Is The Jack Of Hollywood

  1. Jazzy Fruit
  2. Harry’s Apple Wand
  3. Captain Apple
  4. Apple “the I-phone”
  5. The Apple Fever
  6. Tony Montana
  7. Ninotchka
  8. The Terminator
  9. Gordon Gekko
  10. Thor
  11. Shredder
  12. Rambo
  13. Charlie Rose Gold
Funny Iphone Nick Names
List of Funny iPhone Nick Names


Giving your device a name like naming your own progeny. One spent hours while looking for good or funny i-phone names over the internet. These are few examples that people prefer to choose while naming their favorite apple device. Choose any or you already learnt how to name it by your own.

Read more: How to Transfer Your Files to a New Mac: A Start-To-Finish Guide

  • My Kiku
  • Fuji my life
  • Sifu
  • Spark Pug
  • Chew Burka

When The Owner Decides To Name The Device After Type Of Apples

  • Honeycrisp
  • Cripps Pink
  • Autumn Glory
  • Cameo
  • Mcintosh
  • Baldwin
  • Tydeman
  • Stark’s Earliest
  • Bloody Ploughman
  • Dog’s Snout
  • Tina Crab Apple
  • Winterstein
  • Puritan
  • Leather Coat
  • Glockenapfel
It’s just an expensive fruit Trillionaire Baldwin Please! Airdrop Me
It is a fruit. Valuable Apple Stark Industries Airdrop! Nothing Hard
I have an iPhone Vibranium I am Batman Airdrop On Board!
That’s a big appl You must be rich. It’s a bloody iPhone Regretted it.
Einstien’s Apple It’s a Bomb Tydeman Bruce Wayne
Gravity I got the iPhone Glockenspiel Mcintosh
Money spent well. Just a box of apple An expensive piece of shit. Puritan
Apple of Metal Thor’s Apple Terminator I am Rich
I am Apple Just a showoff Shredder Finally an iPhone
That’s too much. You can’t afford it Iron Man Winterstein
Crappy and Cranky Not a phone, but an iPhone Rambo Expensive-Einstien
It’s very Appleing. Pinata Apple Pimp Just a pretty face.
Smitten Treasure Showoff Honeycrisp
Just an eaten apple. Just Bought an iPhone Annoying Machine Electric Apple
Hi, it’s an iPhone Being expensive from day one Fruity and Jazzy Trishool
iPhone Twelve Black Panther Phone with I Zombie

Recommend: 557+ Best And Funny Strip Club Names Ideas

When The Owner Is Very Possessive About His Apple

  • Not an Adam’s apple
  • I have an I-phone Bitch!!
  • My I-phone is my I-phone, none of your I-Phone
  • It’s an “Apple” pimp, “Apple”
  • You can’t handle it baby, it’s an apple
  • Beauty outside with a beast when you try to get my Phone
  • Think of different phone, it’s an Iphone
Eyes of Apple Win with Apple Starts with I Death Eater
Do you have an iPhone? iPhone’s not mine Wingman Craves Apple
iPhone>Android Detective Apple Calling Apple Apple Love
Buy me an apple Put it back. Tech Apple Apple Eater
Apple a day Sherlock’s Apple Dog’s Snout Empty Pockets
Dimple Big Apple Autumn Glory The telephone starts with I
Stud-Muffin Have a fruit. Apple’s Season iBeast
Born Expensive Suggestions by Doctor. Green Apple iEat Money
Valuable Apple Doodle Juicy Apple Pikachu
High on Cost Wakka-Doodle Reddish Apple for me.
Extra-Costly McGruff Bloody Ploughman The most wanted iPhone
You must be rich. Steve’s Apple It’s for the winners. Mine and Mine Only
I look rich now Spartan Number one Apple The Apple I want
It’s not cheap Apple Fever Expensive Element Just Expensive
Money’s all gone Roses and Apple Fruit Bucket It’s a treasure
Over the Odds It’s my Doll Not a Samsung Awesome iPhone
Bought a Mansion How you doin? A gadget with the letter I Cloudy

When You Watch South Indian Movies More Often

Aladin; The genie
My Drona
Arjuna; The winner
Don’t Apple-y Me
The return of I-phone
Choone Nahi Dunga
Iphone wanted
Phone No.1
I wala Phone
Apple Phondian
The real Iphone

Recommend: 899+Best Trio Group Names

Go get an iPhone Triple Camera It’s only expensive It’s Steve’s
Sweet and Fruity Richie Rich Don’t touch it iPhone is an iPhone
This fruit is expensive Happy New iPhone Too expensive for you High on Price
Digital Apple Black Death Too good for you Apples are high
Talking Apple Superman A little too much High on iPhone
Apple Device Rich Boy Expensive than your ego Lavish
Better have some money Billionaire Siri is expensive Precious
Fruit that starts with I Always Wanted an iPhone Paid for a talking fruit I got the iPhone
King T’Challa Wallet’s empty CEO of Expensive Just a box of apple
Trillionaire Emptied my account Bought a fruit Thor’s Apple
Vibranium Done with cheap. It’s a Pinata Just a showoff

When The Owner Tries To Sound Intellectual

  • Spartan
  • Razor Russet
  • Wyken Pippin
  • The American Mother
  • Anonymous
  • Don’t Touch My Phone Steve
  • H-Apple-Y Ever After
  • Adam’s Viagra
  • Tim’s Winnfield
  • Detective Apple
  • Donald’s Chuck
  • Steve’s Job
  • Side Ch-Apple
  • Sherlock Phone
  • Brutus
  • McGruff
  • Big Balls
  • Doodle
  • Mister Apple
  • Have a bite

Guide On: 399+ Creative Bible Study Group Names

When The Owner Is The Jack Of Hollywood

  1. Jazzy Fruit
  2. Harry’s Apple Wand
  3. Captain Apple
  4. Apple “the I-phone”
  5. The Apple Fever
  6. Tony Montana
  7. Ninotchka
  8. The Terminator
  9. Gordon Gekko
  10. Thor
  11. Shredder
  12. Rambo
  13. Charlie Rose Gold
Funny Iphone Nick Names
List of Funny iPhone Nick Names


Giving your device a name like naming your own progeny. One spent hours while looking for good or funny i-phone names over the internet. These are few examples that people prefer to choose while naming their favorite apple device. Choose any or you already learnt how to name it by your own.

Read more: How to Transfer Your Files to a New Mac: A Start-To-Finish Guide

  • My Kiku
  • Fuji my life
  • Sifu
  • Spark Pug
  • Chew Burka

When The Owner Decides To Name The Device After Type Of Apples

  • Honeycrisp
  • Cripps Pink
  • Autumn Glory
  • Cameo
  • Mcintosh
  • Baldwin
  • Tydeman
  • Stark’s Earliest
  • Bloody Ploughman
  • Dog’s Snout
  • Tina Crab Apple
  • Winterstein
  • Puritan
  • Leather Coat
  • Glockenapfel
It’s just an expensive fruit Trillionaire Baldwin Please! Airdrop Me
It is a fruit. Valuable Apple Stark Industries Airdrop! Nothing Hard
I have an iPhone Vibranium I am Batman Airdrop On Board!
That’s a big appl You must be rich. It’s a bloody iPhone Regretted it.
Einstien’s Apple It’s a Bomb Tydeman Bruce Wayne
Gravity I got the iPhone Glockenspiel Mcintosh
Money spent well. Just a box of apple An expensive piece of shit. Puritan
Apple of Metal Thor’s Apple Terminator I am Rich
I am Apple Just a showoff Shredder Finally an iPhone
That’s too much. You can’t afford it Iron Man Winterstein
Crappy and Cranky Not a phone, but an iPhone Rambo Expensive-Einstien
It’s very Appleing. Pinata Apple Pimp Just a pretty face.
Smitten Treasure Showoff Honeycrisp
Just an eaten apple. Just Bought an iPhone Annoying Machine Electric Apple
Hi, it’s an iPhone Being expensive from day one Fruity and Jazzy Trishool
iPhone Twelve Black Panther Phone with I Zombie

Recommend: 557+ Best And Funny Strip Club Names Ideas

When The Owner Is Very Possessive About His Apple

  • Not an Adam’s apple
  • I have an I-phone Bitch!!
  • My I-phone is my I-phone, none of your I-Phone
  • It’s an “Apple” pimp, “Apple”
  • You can’t handle it baby, it’s an apple
  • Beauty outside with a beast when you try to get my Phone
  • Think of different phone, it’s an Iphone
Eyes of Apple Win with Apple Starts with I Death Eater
Do you have an iPhone? iPhone’s not mine Wingman Craves Apple
iPhone>Android Detective Apple Calling Apple Apple Love
Buy me an apple Put it back. Tech Apple Apple Eater
Apple a day Sherlock’s Apple Dog’s Snout Empty Pockets
Dimple Big Apple Autumn Glory The telephone starts with I
Stud-Muffin Have a fruit. Apple’s Season iBeast
Born Expensive Suggestions by Doctor. Green Apple iEat Money
Valuable Apple Doodle Juicy Apple Pikachu
High on Cost Wakka-Doodle Reddish Apple for me.
Extra-Costly McGruff Bloody Ploughman The most wanted iPhone
You must be rich. Steve’s Apple It’s for the winners. Mine and Mine Only
I look rich now Spartan Number one Apple The Apple I want
It’s not cheap Apple Fever Expensive Element Just Expensive
Money’s all gone Roses and Apple Fruit Bucket It’s a treasure
Over the Odds It’s my Doll Not a Samsung Awesome iPhone
Bought a Mansion How you doin? A gadget with the letter I Cloudy

When You Watch South Indian Movies More Often

Aladin; The genie
My Drona
Arjuna; The winner
Don’t Apple-y Me
The return of I-phone
Choone Nahi Dunga
Iphone wanted
Phone No.1
I wala Phone
Apple Phondian
The real Iphone

Recommend: 899+Best Trio Group Names

Go get an iPhone Triple Camera It’s only expensive It’s Steve’s
Sweet and Fruity Richie Rich Don’t touch it iPhone is an iPhone
This fruit is expensive Happy New iPhone Too expensive for you High on Price
Digital Apple Black Death Too good for you Apples are high
Talking Apple Superman A little too much High on iPhone
Apple Device Rich Boy Expensive than your ego Lavish
Better have some money Billionaire Siri is expensive Precious
Fruit that starts with I Always Wanted an iPhone Paid for a talking fruit I got the iPhone
King T’Challa Wallet’s empty CEO of Expensive Just a box of apple
Trillionaire Emptied my account Bought a fruit Thor’s Apple
Vibranium Done with cheap. It’s a Pinata Just a showoff

When The Owner Tries To Sound Intellectual

  • Spartan
  • Razor Russet
  • Wyken Pippin
  • The American Mother
  • Anonymous
  • Don’t Touch My Phone Steve
  • H-Apple-Y Ever After
  • Adam’s Viagra
  • Tim’s Winnfield
  • Detective Apple
  • Donald’s Chuck
  • Steve’s Job
  • Side Ch-Apple
  • Sherlock Phone
  • Brutus
  • McGruff
  • Big Balls
  • Doodle
  • Mister Apple
  • Have a bite

Guide On: 399+ Creative Bible Study Group Names

When The Owner Is The Jack Of Hollywood

  1. Jazzy Fruit
  2. Harry’s Apple Wand
  3. Captain Apple
  4. Apple “the I-phone”
  5. The Apple Fever
  6. Tony Montana
  7. Ninotchka
  8. The Terminator
  9. Gordon Gekko
  10. Thor
  11. Shredder
  12. Rambo
  13. Charlie Rose Gold
Funny Iphone Nick Names
List of Funny iPhone Nick Names


Giving your device a name like naming your own progeny. One spent hours while looking for good or funny i-phone names over the internet. These are few examples that people prefer to choose while naming their favorite apple device. Choose any or you already learnt how to name it by your own.

Read more: How to Transfer Your Files to a New Mac: A Start-To-Finish Guide

Aniket jain

Hi there, My self Aniket Jain. A virtual SEO expert, content writer, and digital marketer. Works with lots of passion, hardly dedicated to what's best and what's next ✌️. Hope u all like my work ✌️

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