Team names

25+ Amazing Color Run Team Names | Running Team Names

Every participation requires some kind of fun and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm for something better, for something good. The color/color run is one run event that started in 2011 and was known as “The happiest 5k on the planet”. This event involved runners from all across the globe running together to promote happiness and health. This program increased its popularity as a result of the number of events taking place from year to year.

25+ Amazing Color Run Team Names | Running Team Names

In order to represent your team in the color run, it becomes necessary to select names for your team to get them printed on your runt-shorts. So in order to make it easy for you to select we have complied with a list of funny names and also ideas to select. So now you just need to check the, out, pick one and thus name your company to outshine yourself among-st all.

Color Run Team Names

Standing out with your team to compete with others and thus in confusion as to hoe yo showcase your best with your name. Do not worry, I hereby set up a long list for you to select the best color/Colour run name team name-

Color Fusion.Rangeela !!Ink MeBlue Past You
Color Me Krazy.Not Fast, Just FuriousFluorescent RunnersOverly Saturated
Cray Cray Crayola.Rainbow FartsRainbow RacersBlue Girl Group
Bad Dye Job.Color FusionRainbow DashersA Hue Good Men
Dye Me a River.Rainbow ChasersAlways BrightTeam Skittles
Fluorescent Runners.The PicassoRainbow RocketsPalette Pushers
Chase the Rainbow.Full SpectrumDo or DyeBlank Canvas
Color Us Fabulous.GlowbustersDye RunningToo Legit to Dye
Rainbow RocketsThe Red RocketsChameleonsStay Between the Lines
Pink LadiesRang dei !!Color EnvyRunning Outside The Lines
Shady ladiesPalette PushersRainbow PowerFruity Pebbles
GoldilocksColor Us FabulousBlank CanvasRun or Dye Trying
Pink LadiesWhite bright lighteningAquaholicsCrazy Tints
Jazzberry JamBlue WavesPigmentation PartyThe InspiRED
Color CarnationsColor Me DirtyThe ChameleonsThe Plague
Taste the SkittlesToo Legit to DyeDye HardCray Cray Crayola
A Hue Good MenSpunky GirlsCrazy tintsFree the Turtle
Palette PushersDye Me a RiverTaste the RainbowTaste the Skittles
Picasso PrancersBlue Past YouPainted PixiesColor Envy
Razzle DazzleDye Dye BirdieStay Between the LinesStardust
Color Me KrazyFantastics ColorsChafe the DreamRed Super Models
Red Super ModelsColor PurpleDye MenBlackhawks
Color me CrazyDye MenDancing dolliesPaddle for Pink
Chase the rainbowDyed DivasColor Us SweatyBlizzards
Colorful TeensRazzle DazzleRainbow RunnersPigmentation Party
A Hue of Good MenFull SpectrumA Running JokeChafe the Dream
Pearly BrightsRun TryingPeak PerformersBubble Gum Brutes
Color Me BadPowder to the PeopleSplatter SprintersShiny Happy People
Red Royal PrincessesTeam CMYKAlways BrightDye Me a River
Will Run for ColorThe CMYKsDye HardPacemakers

Color Run Team Name Ideas

Ideas are what we serve you and pleasure is what you receive. Among all the names listed in the above category, this category will give you more delight as we bring you new innovative ideas to explore your team name.

Fluffy UnicornRun For FunSour Patch KidsColor Vixens
Painted PixiesTeam SpanksA Hue of Good MenColor Me Bad
50 Shades of ColorRainbow RunnersPigmentation PartyThe CMYKs
Rave You to the FinishRockstar SpankersTaste the RainbowHue Are You
Powder to the PeopleA Running Canvas50 Shades of AwesomeShred the Rainbow
A Running CanvasDyed on the RunFree RunnersDyed Divas
Dye HardPleasantly PlumpRainbow ConnectionMessy Madams
SplatterPurple RainThe PicassoGoldilocks
Glow GirlsRaangelaRainbow DashersCMYK
Blue Man GroupBlue Past YouChafe the DreamGet Fit or Dye Tryin’
Palette PushersColor Me DirtyA Running CanvasFree Color Runners
The Back NinesFlying ColorsFluffy unicornDye Me a River
Color PrancersColor Us FabulousDye Dye BirdieThe Red Hots Ginger
Too Legit to DyeThe Red RocketsDye RunningSpunky Girls
Pinky SwearRun TryingEagle HuntersPink Rip Girls
Orange bananaRun or Dye TryingFull spectrumRainbow Connection
Color us fabulousTwisted ColorsFree RunnersGoldilocks
Twisted ColorsColor FusionA Hue of Good MenColor Us Motivated
The AvalancheTeam SkittlesLava QueensBig Freeze
A Running CanvasTwisted ColorsRed Glory GirlsDye Chicks
Rainbow RocketsColor Us FabulousGoldilocksRed Rhinos
Messy MadamsToo Legit to DyeGlow GirlsDye Men
A Running JokeBlizzard bluesMessy MadamsGirl Bosses
Run For FunEclipseBlue Past YouThe Dark Side
Glow girlsColorful TeensDye Me a RiverGroovy Green
Colorful TeensShady LadiesNice DimplesRainbow Rockets
Dye Me a RiverPowder to the PeoplePallete pushersPaint the Clouds
Color VixensHue-ten nanniesSour Patch KidsSore to the Finish
Fluorescent RunnersBlue Who NewsRangeela !!Dark Angels
A Running CanvasA Running CanvasGlow GirlsRed Power Girls

Funny Color Run Team Names

It is always advisable to select something that is not only cute but also funny. Everyone tends to select something that is unique and thus forgets the feature of something being funny. And so to make you remind of funniness we present you a long list of funny color run team names-

Color me SweatyPearly BrightsFruity PebblesColor me Sweaty
The Messy MadamsThese Colors Don’t Run. Oh wait…Rainbow RunnersThe Messy Madams
Pink KnickersTeam CMYKKaleidoscope KickersPink Knickers
Color Me BadA$$Dye Dye BirdieColor FusionColor Me BadA$$
Spunky GirlsColor Me DirtyPaint the CloudsSpunky Girls
Razzle DazzleTwisted ColorsColor Me KrazyRazzle Dazzle
Color VixensRun or Dye TryingDye Dye BirdieColor Vixens
Taste the SkittlesPaint the CloudsColor VixensTaste the Skittles
Chicks with KicksColor Us MotivatedCray Cray CrayolaChicks with Kicks
Shady LadiesCrazy TintsTwisted Colors Shady ladies
Dye RunningColor me dirtyColor Me BadShady ladies
Always BrightVeiled in ColorFruity PebblesEntation Party
Blue Man GroupStay Between the LinesColor Us FabulousGlitter Divas
Pigmentation PartyPink KnickersDancing dolliesDo or Dye
Hue-ten nanniesPurple lainPink ponniesBully blue bassers
Blizzard BluesColor PurpleColor Me KrazyDyed Divas
Color PrancersFloating bubblesPigmentation PartyRed Too Hot
Color EnvyBlue Past YouBlue Girl GroupPink Quakes
Blizzard BluesGlowbustersA Running CanvasFluorescent Runners
The PicassoMessy MadamsRainbow dashersBig Birds
Color Me BadTeam RunbowPearly BrightsToo Legit to Dye
Jazzberry JamSole SistersChafe the DreamRed Fury Girls
Blue Past YouPaint the cloudsColor Us MotivatedThe Picasso
Red Lava GirlsBlizzard bluesFree RunnersGreen minds
Red Lady PumasSole SistersHue-ten nanniesStay Between the Lines
Ink MeFilthy GreensA Hue Good MenCity of Red Sox
Shred the RainbowWhite LightningShady ladiesBad Dye Job
GoldilocksOverly SaturatedA Running CanvasSwingers
Paint the cloudsPacemakersRainbow RacersOrange Dudes
Chase the RainbowSour Patch KidsWe Bleed RedOrange Blossoms

Color Run Team Name Puns

Puns represent smartness, coolness, and so there are some color run team pun names for you to select from them-

1. 50 shades of color11. Crazy tints21. Glowbusters31. Pigmentation party
2. A running canvas12. Dancing dollies22. Goldilocks32. Pink ponnies
3. Blizzard blues13. Dyed divas23. Hue-ten nannies33. Purple color pallete
4. Blue girl group14. Filthy greens24. Ink me34. Purple lain
5. Chase the rainbow15. Fluffy unicorn25. Jazzberry Jam35. Rainbow dashers
6. Color fusion16. Free runners26. Neon nuts36. Rainbow rockets
7. Color me Crazy17. Fruity pebbles27. Not fast, just furious37. Run for run
8. Color me dirty18. Full spectrum28. Paint the clouds38. Running outside the lines
9. Color us fabulous19. Full spectrum29. Painted pixies39. Shady ladies
10. Cray cray crayola20. Glow girls30. Pallete pushers40. Shred the rainbow
Colorful TeensPretty ToughMystic RunOmega Names
Blue Past YouCrazy TintsBeast TeamDreamland Names
Glow GirlsGoldilocksOasis ColorBeast Team
Neon nutsFluffy pinkTemple NamesLazarus Team
Team SpanksDye RunningLegendary RunTemple Run
Fruity PebblesPower PuffsNamverseClutch Team
Rainbow FartsChaos YellowInteract RunRiot Run
Color VixensRunning RedsMatrix RunMisfit Color
The ChamelonsHappy FeetOmega ColorDivine Color
Pearly BrightsDye Me a RiverEden NamesAdapt Color
Sour Patch KidsBluebirdsNirvana TeamRunarc
Rainbow ChasersTwisted ColorsColorcogZion Names
Shady LadiesThe PicassoParadise TeamTeamlaza
Cray Cray CrayolaPink DolphinsHorizon ColorNamiva
Colors R UsThe GimmeesNexus NamesFrequency Team
Color me SweatyRed Galaxy GirlsPavilion RunInvasion Color
Too Legit to DyeTeam SkittlesParadise NamesRunops
Ultra Super ChicksBlue LightningEnvision ColorColorgenix
The white stripes50 shades of colorTeamluxRunorzo
Overly SaturatedBluecatsFrequency RunKickstart Run

After getting a long list of fascinating color run team names I hope we have served you a great deal of satisfaction and thus would have removed complexities of getting confused to invest a new name.

Perfect color Run Group Names

You definitely want a perfect name for your colour run team name. Since it promotes health and joy, the name must reflect these parameters. Here we have a list of team names for runners that perfectly suit the occasion. 

River handJoyloveBubblesFit the freakCamouflagers
MuscularCrazy tintsGummy colorsEdge runSilkroute
BonecrackersScrapyardPanda gridLeapordsHealthybodies
Crazy TintsHue Are YouMilestone ColorJungle Color
Palette PushersSour Patch KidsInvasion RunEden Run
Divas that DyeToo Legit to DyeMashed TeamCloud Names
Chase the RainbowPink SlippersNamdeckHorizon Run
Veiled in colorsVainly NavyTeamgenicsDreamland Team
Kaleidoscope KickersThe White StripesKeystone TeamWonderland Names
Dark Blue arrowsBlue DartersPrimed ColorDivine Run
The PicassoThe Pink PanthersEternal ColorJungle Run
Pearly BrightsPinkish ladiesRunlyticalJumpstart Color
Dye HardLive Free or DyeLegendary NamesSin Color
Keystone RunSoundwave RunNamworksImpulse Team
Pavilion NamesGlory ColorKeystone ColorInfamous Team
Omega TeamWonderland RunRiot TeamEternal Color
Primed TeamZion ColorStacked RunTemple Run
RunoontXanadu NamesInfamous NamesSerendipity Color
RunaholicSoundwave ColorJumpstart TeamPlatinum Run
Matrix ColorDome NamesMilestone NamesWild Color
TeamopediaUtopia NamesGlory ColorCatalyst Run
Sin NamesParadise TeamBeast RunEverlast Team
Stacked TeamTemple ColorOmega NamesCrowd Team

Cool color Team Names

Colours spread happiness, so why not give your team names of the colour? Each colour has a significance and that significance will reflect in your team name also. Win the race and see your name at the top of the list.

Blue starsFloating bubblesSunny moonOrange bananaPinkish ladies
MagnificentOrange creamsicleSugar socksBlue berriesWhite owls
WhackyFluffy pinkYellowish applesWhite sunGreen minds
TeamarcEverlast ColorLegendary ColorSerendipity Team
RunladaRiot NamesRunneticEden Names
Impulse NamesJungle ColorMasterclass ColorBabylon Team
Xanadu RunNexus TeamJungle NamesHex Team
Dreamworld TeamHeritage RunKeystone NamesMashed Run
Hype RunDivine ColorSin RunWild Names
Cloud ColorLegendary TeamEnvision TeamLaneway Run
Zion ColorMilestone NamesNirvana RunStacked Team
Divine RunLaneway ColorKingdom ColorMashed Team
Riot ColorRiot ColorCrowd NamesImpulse Names
Cloud RunVIP ColorMilestone RunInteract Names
Jungle RunLegendary NamesGrove NamesCollaborate Names
TeamvioMilestone TeamLucid RunOasis Names
Kingdom RunLegendary RunArcadia ColorMisfit Run
Oasis TeamZion NamesCollaborate TeamSerendipity Team
Babylon NamesMatrix RunUtopia RunImpulse Color
Enjoy RunGlory ColorAble RunNirvana Team
Adapt TeamStacked NamesDreamworld RunBabylon Team
Envision TeamOasis RunHex ColorCloud Color
Interact NamesNirvana ColorPlayground ColorSoundwave Team

Awesome Run Names

Whether it is a color run team or a group activity team, these names can be used to represent you and your teammates.

CrayonsStar runnersHymn for the dayVision flashYoungblood
Wings upStrong hulkLatest fitFlashlightViral scene
Water manMighty birdsAmberFetishTopside
Jumpstart TeamZion TeamEternal NamesHype Names
Wonderland ColorJumpstart NamesWild RunNexus Team
Laneway TeamZion ColorEternal TeamPrimed Run
Mashed NamesUtopia TeamSplendour NamesDome Color
Matrix TeamHorizon TeamMisfit ColorCrowd Run
Jumpstart NamesRiot RunLucid NamesVIP Team
Lazarus NamesEden TeamDreamland RunEnjoy Color
Everlast RunEmpire ColorPrimed RunSin Color
Nexus ColorDreamland TeamCrowd RunGlory Team
Glory NamesXanadu NamesZion TeamBabylon Run
Elysian ColorPlayground RunZion NamesInfamous Run
Beast TeamLucid ColorIconic TeamSin Names
Iconic TeamUtopia ColorMasterclass ColorAzure Color
Invasion TeamKickstart RunLaneway ColorVIP Run
Horizon NamesPlayground TeamPlatinum ColorAzure Team
Iconic NamesAblaze ColorInteract ColorHex Names
Cloud RunLazarus TeamRiot TeamVIP Names
Keystone RunWild NamesSoundwave NamesSerendipity Color
Legendary ColorElysian RunKeystone NamesPlatinum Team
Impulse TeamBeast NamesLaneway NamesIconic Color
25+ Amazing Color Run Team Names | Running Team Names


So here we compiled a list of best-running team names for you. At the end of the game, the only memory you will have is the best and colorful name on your t-shirts. Give a thought on these unique and amazing Color Run team names and stand out from the rest. Your name will be your identity throughout the entire event. Justify your win with the most awesome name for your color run team. 

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Shashank Jain

Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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